Dearest Boys,
I have really been neglecting the camera lately so I planned for Saturday to be a day full of pictures. It’s been a while since I’ve documented a “Day in the Life” and I thought Saturday would be a perfect day for it.
The day started around 6:45 but I thought that was too early so I put you both in our bed, turned on some cartoons, and hoped you’d let us get a few more minutes of sleep.
By 7:00 we were in the kitchen making breakfast because someone wakes up with food on the brain.
You boys had all the muffins gobbled up by 7:30!
All four of us had to get showered as we had plans at 9:30. You wanted little to do with drying off and more to do with reading.
Jax, you chose pillows over books and made sure we played a few rounds of Hide & Seek before we left.
You really enjoyed picking out a present for Grady’s 5th birthday and proudly carried it into the party.
His party was at a bounce center and you bounced yourself sweaty.
Colt, you would’ve circled in the tea cup the entire morning if we would’ve let you!
After all the running around, it was time for pizza, cupcakes, ice cream, and juice.

And that’s when anxious mom took over. You see, almost all of the party guests were from Grady’s class at pre-school, therefore, I got a glimpse into a whole new world of behaviors. One little girl next to you was dipping her pizza in her juice before each bite. When that got old, she started dipping her pizza in your cup. A boy across the table from you was scooping ice cubes from his cup and letting them melt in the palm of his hand. And two other little boys were having some sort of spitting contest with one another. You sat there in shock as you took in all that was going on around you and it took a lot for me to not just shout out, “Please ignore these obnoxious behaviors, sweet boy!” I had to take a moment to step away and vent to Michelle and Josh that I was suddenly frightened at the idea of you heading off to pre-school in a few short months where this would become your norm. As soon as I returned to the party room I could tell that I wasn’t the only one overwhelmed as you were sitting almost motionless watching everyone around you devour cupcakes. I crouched beside you and whispered, “Why aren’t you having a cupcake?” but you only responded with a shoulder shrug. “Would you like one?” I asked. Your face lit up as you said, “Yes, please!” and it wasn’t long before you had a black circle of frosting around your lips just like everybody else.
We finished up the party by playing some arcade games.
The party really was a blast (Thanks again, Grady!) but I didn’t take any more pictures that day as I think I was still trying to process everything. How is it that my baby is going to be in pre-school in a few months and where can I find special glasses that keep your eyes shielded from all the craziness that you’re sure to experience in the next few years?
**Please note, a typical “Day in the Life” is rarely filled with all this anxiety. Pardon my mommy-moment and remember that I love you and (as your Grandma would say) I taught you better than that! ; )