Thursday, February 28, 2013

All About You

Our Little Boys,

Somehow, another month has slipped by us.  I actually know how it happened.  It had something to do with selling our house & buying another house - but I'll save that for another post.  Outside of that major life event, not much has been going on around here.  Life has been calm yet exhausting and there hasn't been all that much to document.  At least that's the excuse I tell myself as I see my camera sitting in the same spot it's been for the last few weeks.  Although blogging has been on the back burner, I've thoroughly enjoyed our mundane life as of late.  You are both at such great ages and I'm soaking up your uniqueness.  For posterity's sake, I want to tell you about YOU!

Colt, you are currently 2 1/2.  You are our needy, affectionate, baby and you make us laugh every day.  You show your love so openly and seeing you give your brother hugs and kisses each morning before school causes a lump in my throat.  You are often doing something creative like singing, reading, or working on puzzles.  You can be demanding and aren't afraid to share your temper when things don't go your way.  You can be stubborn one minute and a complete cuddle bug the next.  You are already learning some of your letters and you can count to 10 without hesitation.  You still suck your finger sometimes for comfort and you've shown very little interest in potty training.  You want to do, say, and eat everything your brother does and you've been known to argue with him just as passionately as you love him.  You're going through an adorable phase where you request for us to take your picture and I happily oblige you.  You then run to see the camera before resuming your stance and directing us to "Do more!"  : )

Jax, you are *almost* 5 years old and, while you know your birthday is April 21, you ask "Is is my birthday soon?" almost daily.  You are our always athletic, sometimes dramatic, night owl.  You're still adjusting to real school and we recently requested a conference with your teacher as there was a period of time when we found your behavior to be less than impressive.  You aren't enthusiastic for school in the mornings but you are learning a lot each day.  You can identify most letters of the alphabet and their sounds.  You can count higher than some of my 1st graders.  And your name is now legible each time your write it!  Your drawings are starting to include more detail but you still prefer to use only 1 color per picture.  Thanks to your peers, you've been exposed to the world of super heroes and you're now fascinated by all things Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc. Your true love remains on the ball field though.  Your third season of baseball just started and you're receiving accolades from your new coach already!  You ask us to play baseball with you often and I'm impressed by your ability each time we practice.  You are a good kid and an even better big brother!

A little story to wrap things up:  I told your Daddy that I was doing this post and I asked him for some input as to what else I could add about y'all.  He responded simply, "They're so awesome."  That just about sums up this stage of life : )