Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break: Closing

Dearest Josh,

Friday was a day of finalization as we signed our name on paper after paper.  We each held a boy on our lap and they assisted us without having the slightest idea of what was going on.  And now this house belongs to its third owner and I pray that it brings him as much joy as it's brought us.

I've had this post swirling around in my head for years.  No, literally because it was 2 years ago that I thought that we’d be moving only to realize that God’s answer to our prayers was “Not now.”  But now the time is truly here and while I’m ready for this next chapter, I’m emotional as well.   With each piece of furniture we've hauled to storage, the house has become less our home and more of a shell.   It’s been a slow process but that’s enabled me to gradually detach myself after over 7 years of sleeping, eating, laughing and crying here.

This home represents an exciting adventure that started back in April of 2005 when we were flown to Dallas and given 1 week to find “the one.”  Do you remember being completely giddy with nervous energy when moving day came on June 25th?  What’s more romantic than arriving at our very first home before our furniture and therefore sleeping on the floor because the concept of being anywhere but 1163 Wake Forest Drive was unthinkable?!

In those first few weeks of “playing house”, we had so many moments together where we would just look at each other in awe and say, “This beautiful space belongs to us!”  Even though this place no longer feels like home, looking around still conjures up so many precious memories.

I look at the family room and see us cuddled together watching show after show.

I look at the kitchen and see fun nights of entertaining family and friends.

I look outside and see a playground for a hyper puppy.

I look at the front window and see myself pacing back and forth, cradling babies, singing David Crowder’s “He Loves Us” over and over and…

I look towards the closet and wonder how in the world we’re ending up with ANOTHER triangular waste of space!?!?!  ; )

(We barely use it -- much less take a picture of it!)

I look at the small guest bathroom and see splashing water and kids toys during fun bath times.

I look at one bedroom and see a nursery that welcomed two perfect miracles into our family.

I look at another bedroom and see tickle fights, robots, and bedtime prayers.

I look at our bedroom and see tiny alarm clocks running in while yelling, “Wake up Mommy & Daddy!”

I look at our bathroom and see pregnancy tests and a hilarious revelation after eating asparagus! 

I look at this picture and I see love.  I see newlyweds who were so unsure of this great big city just 7 years ago.  I see hard-working parents who want to give their children the best they can provide.  I see faithful servants who know that their blessings are too numerous to count.  And I see the house that we made home.  It was a good home, a perfect start for our dream. And although my mind is reeling with excitement for our new journey, my heart will hold on to the memories of our first dream forever.

Thank you for being the biggest part of this awesome adventure.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Break: Lunch with Dad

Dearest Dudes,

On Thursday we made the trek all the way (I tease him because I only drive 5 minutes to work so his 45 minute drive seems like an eternity to me!) to Daddy's work.  He got a new job in August and this was my first time seeing his new place (you've actually been to his work with him once before though).  While I've listened intently to his daily recaps during dinner time, I've never understood where he works, much less what his new job actually entails.  So he was our tour guide up to his office, through the warehouse, and then over to the 100,000 square foot workshop where the trucks are constructed.  It was neat to see the million dollar frac truck and see the components that your super-smart Daddy designed.  One was parked outside so I had to snap a quick picture mid-exploration:

We got a giggle out of how posed and cool you both looked without any prompting from us!
(Zoomed in so you can see what I mean...)

After the tour, we had a yummy lunch with Daddy before spending the rest of the afternoon relaxing and playing outside.  

Oh, Spring Break, how I love thee!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Break: Dentist

Dearest Patients,

While Spring Break is mostly about having fun and relaxing, it's also a great opportunity to get things checked off the "to-do" list that seems to always be multiplying.  On Wednesday, you both had your second dentist appointment.  After our first, horrific, attempt, I was pretty nervous about how things would go this time around.  We read The Vaughn's blog about their dentist visit, watched a show about going to the dentist, and even played pretend dentist where we each took a turn examining teeth.  On our way there, Brody and Kate sent us the sweetest video message telling us that the dentist was fun and that seemed to get your hyped up!  

When the hygienist called your names, you both walked to the exam rooms with a bounce in your steps!  Without prompting, you, Colt, climbed right into the chair.  She started the exam and you went right along with it like it was old hat!  

Meanwhile, I went with you, Jax, for your xrays.  They explained things to you in the most reassuring language and you were receptive this time.  Everyone was so proud of how well you did and you got the first of many prizes for your efforts.  After leaving the xray room, I rounded the corner just in time to see you strutting towards me, Colt.  A posse of female staff members was behind you and they were all smiles.  They said your cleaning was already finished and that you were "a charmer".  We flip-flopped as one went to xrays and the other was off to the squishy seat for a cleaning.  Again, you each went with the flow seamlessly!  

I just sort of stood in the middle of the office in awe.  I could not believe that the same boys that screamed as I held them down just a few months ago were now assisting the hygienists with their work!  Y'all amaze me!  

The dentist says that you both have all 20 teeth and that your 6-year molars are about to break through, Jackson!  We had a short talk about your overbite, Colt, and about the fact that you're also likely to have braces in the future.  The most exciting news came when the dentist showed me two loose teeth on you, Jax!  She said it could be a few months before they fall out but I got teary just thinking about it!

You each signed your name on the no cavities bulletin board before we left and then you proudly walked out with your assortment of stickers, toys, and trinkets.  

Fingers crossed that things go this well in October!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break: Playgrounds

Dearest Boys,

We've been blessed with absolutely gorgeous weather this week!  On Tuesday, we took advantage of it and played outside at one of your favorite playgrounds.

You both wanted to take pictures using my phone.  
Jax, the picture you took turned out pretty cute:

Colt, the picture you took cracks me up!  : )

We also played at an indoor playground as we met Jacob for lunch at McDonald's.  
Yum & fun but no pictures.

Spring Break is such a tease for summer break...I can hardly wait!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Break: Bowling

Dearest Boys,

Spring Break is here!!!  We started off our week together by bowling!  Kate picked bowling for her birthday activity and we joined the fun.  Neither of you had been bowling before so I actually dug out the camera for the occasion!

So thankful to the inventor of the bowling ramp!

While you dismissed that helpful ramp, the bumpers were your friends, Jax!

I took my game pretty seriously ; )

And this is what happens when you boys would rather bowl than pose for a picture.  

It really was fun and I look forward to going back and taking Daddy sometime soon!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Big Boy

Dearest Colton,

The end of an era occurred unexpectedly.  You see, up until last weekend, you were still in a crib.  Not just any crib though - the crib that your daddy, uncle, and brother all slept in as well.   Considering that we transitioned Jackson out of the crib around his 2nd birthday, I knew this day was approaching but I just wasn't ready for it.  Lately, the weekend ritual has been that Jackson climbs into your crib with you and you two have some adorable brother time.  I can't elaborate much more than that though because I've been using this new routine to sleep in a bit.  We don't use a monitor and the door is closed so we're not 100% sure what you two were doing in there.  But we're guessing that some jumping was involved because last weekend we heard the CRASH that parents dread.  We rushed in to your room to find your crib mattress on the floor and you two standing in shock among the rubble.  

And so the crib came down.  Daddy disassembled what was left of it and hauled its pieces to the garage.  So last weekend was used for hunting down your big boy bed.  Unsuccessfully.  

Instead, you camped out on the floor on just your mattress.  And you rocked your new sleeping arrangement!  

(Notice how you go to sleep with everything in its place?)

(Yet, you seem to kick everything out throughout the night!)

You are still sleeping on that crib mattress on the floor.  Your brother still goes into your room and y'all have morning playtime.  And we finally decided on your big boy furniture - but it won't be delivered until we're in the new house later this month.  If you want to fully transition away from babyhood with some potty training, that'd be more than alright with me, ok?