Saturday, November 28, 2015


Dearest Boys,

We kicked off our holiday traditions by visiting the Gaylord with 3/4 of the Vaughns.  We went nice and early (the week of Thanksgiving break - good: tickets were half price & crowd levels were low, bummer: Dad had to work) and it was the perfect way to get us in the holiday spirit!

This was this year's theme and it was my favorite so far!  After teaching this exact concept for years, I thought it was so neat to see everything in ice!

These ice slides are always a long wait and that's when the 9 degree temperatures really hit you, but you still stuck it out for a few trips.

Regardless of the theme, the last room always has the same display and it's my favorite! After filling the other rooms with moving parts and colorful designs, I love the simplicity used the carve the nativity.  One year I might even learn to photograph in this tricky room...

We skipped the sno-tubes this year and let y'all do a snowball shoot out instead.  It still took some waiting around, which was fine since I was waiting with this fun chica:

What an "Ice" start to the holiday season ; )

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Dearest Colton,

I watched you the other day as I was cooking dinner.  You were playing in the backyard all by yourself and you were captivating (and not just because of your outfit from "crazy day" at school!)!  You were the epitome of JOY and I just had to join you!  I sat on the lounge chair nearby and snapped a few pictures as you continued being the perfect, 5-year-old, little boy.

While I know that starting kindergarten was the best decision for you, I also have to admit that it's aged you rapidly.  You've shifted from carefree to a bit more conscientious.  You've gone from a social extrovert to a slightly timid situational tester.  You've also become aware and reflective.

Just a few days before this joyous scene, you broke down the last few months of school in a nonchalant, one-sided conversation with me.  You told me that September was not so good and that you lost a lot of stickers (your teacher's behavior management system), that October was better because you only had to walk a few laps (a consequence of said system), and November was going great because you learned how to make better choices.

I know you weren't seeking my sympathy, but listening to you made me ache as I wished you could see yourself through my eyes.  Even if stickers are lost or laps have to be walked, I think you're precious and I know your heart. 

And I think that's why I just had to join you outside that afternoon....because your playful, innocent, fun behavior matched exactly to the way I see you.