Monday, December 26, 2022

The Grand Finale

Dearest Jackson & Colton,

We had an amazing cruise planned for the summer of 2020...but those plans were unfortunately ruined.
We rescheduled for 2021 but hit another travel roadblock.
So we committed to making 2022 our year and got something booked on Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas.
The anticipation for this trip was more exciting than any other!!

The day after school got out for break, we drove down to Andy's house.  The Lakes let us stay with them for the night so we'd be closer to the port.  We drove the rest of the way the next morning and took our first picture about 30 seconds after walking on board!

We found the Vaughns, explored the ship for a bit, unpacked, and then got ready for dinner.  The "kids table" looked exceptionally cute that night!

My date cleaned up nicely too!  
It was COLD in Galveston so I stayed in a sweater that first night.

When we woke up the next day we were in the middle of the ocean.  We all met up for breakfast and made you kids promise you'd join us for dinner that night!

The adults camped out in the solarium at the front of the ship for most of the day.

At some point, the two of us ran into the two of y'all and that was exciting (for us!).

We were enjoying the ship's floating bar when you two strolled by.

Kate even joined us for a ride up!  (the bar was called High Tide and it rose up and down like the tides!)

That night was formal night and this was as dressy as we were getting!

I didn't even ask you boys to pack "formal" clothes.  I know better!

We loved that spot by the tree!

We waited in line for the professional photographer and captured my favorite pic from the trip!

You two had your own room.  It was connected to our room and we shared a balcony.  Colt, you loved seeing what towel animal was awaiting you each evening!

The next day we were in Costa Maya, Mexico.

We didn't have any excursions planned for this day so we just taxi'd to a restaurant on the beach.

We returned to the ship in time to take in some ice skating before dinner.

Dad & I accidentally rocked Christmas at dinner that night.

After dinner seemed to be when the shenanigans went down...

We watched an amazing diving show at the stern of the ship that night.

The next morning brought us Cozumel.

We were 1 of SEVEN ships in Cozumel this day and, although we made reservations for an excursion, everywhere was PACKED.  We did a lot of standing around and waiting and it made for some grumpiness.  But, when we weren't waiting, we were making friends with some captive dolphins.  I tried to find a way to help them escape, I promise!

We skipped dinner reservations that night and took advantage of the ship's entertainment instead.  On this night, there was an adults only game show called Crazy Quest.  Crazy it certainly was!

We had one more day at sea as we sailed home the next day.  Colt, you were the only one brave enough to get in the chilly pool.  

Not sure why I didn't get pictures from our karaoke bar event, Mamma Mia! show, or bar trivia activity.?.?.?.

One more fancy dinner to take advantage of the unlimited breads and desserts!!

We took in one more show (a comedian) and this was the final goodbye as we knew that the next morning we'd be back in freezing (literally) cold Galveston.

While it looks like I only took pictures at dinner time, I swear we all had a blast!  
Jax, you declared it your favorite vacation ever and are already asking if we can go again!  You met other teenagers on the first night and hung out with them more than you did us!  

Colt, you honestly struggled at first (heights, claustrophobia, thousands of people, oh my!) but ended up having fun.  You played on the sports court a ton, rode on the wave rider, and hung out with Zoltar on the boardwalk!

I would definitely go on another cruise with y'all!!  

We were all exhausted when we got home so we baked a cake for Jesus and crashed on the couch!!

The next morning was Jesus' birthday so we celebrated him with cake and presents!

Of course we celebrated at Grandpa and Grandma's house too!

What a great ending to a great year!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

2022, Part 2

 Dearest Boys,

The ultimate growing and changing was yet to come...

When July rolled around, the Facklers hosted us for a swim.

And then we festivaled, per tradition.

Colt, you wrapped up your time on the Spartans with a super fun tournament!  Opening ceremonies were on the field at Rangers ballpark!

But some things led us to feel like a new team was needed so we had to say farewell to one of the best coaches ever.  That final hug with Coach Cody touched me!

As the summer temps grew, bath time for the dogs had to be moved inside.

Luckily, y'all didn't wash the cute off!  ;)

A DMB tribute band was calling our names one summer night...the dancing videos won't make an appearance on the blog but they'll stay on my phone as long as I can store them!

Colt, you and dad made the trip to the lake.  Jax couldn't join because he had orientation for HIGH SCHOOL (oh, growth & change!).

I couldn't join because I had orientation at my new school!!!  DOWNING!!!

When you got back from the lake house, we celebrated your birthday at Hawaiian Falls with a few friends.

7th grade orientation included getting your long awaited athletic locker!!

And then I got to join y'all for your annual 1st Day of School pic!
Colton's 1st day of 7th grade
My 1st day to teach middle school
Jackson's 1st day of HIGH SCHOOL!

It wasn't just MY first day at Downing!  It was Brandie's too!!!
If you would've told me that us 3 besties would be working at the same school I wouldn't have believed you!

Your new baseball team came with some perks - one of them being a hookup with a suite for a Rangers game!

What I thought was our annual Back to School Triple Date turned into my 40th birthday celebration...
We went to Electric Shuffle - and I've wanted to go back ever since!

Then sports took off again - Jackson with both club and high school soccer!  Colton with select baseball and middle school football!

And then it was my turn for the birthday trip!!  I chose Nantucket as my go-to spot years ago!!  We flew into Boston and enjoyed a night on the town first!

We hit the road the next morning and headed to the ferry -- but stopped by Plymouth Rock along the way!

The rock was....surprising.  

Ready for it?

Don't blink or you might miss it.

Here you go:

The ferry ride to Nantucket was full of anticipation!

After unpacking at our adorable cottage, we went straight to THE Chicken!  We've only read about it in about a dozen Hildebrand books!  And it was.....different...than we pictured in the books.  The books also never mentioned the beer tasting like old shrimp.?.?.

The next morning I awoke to sweet decor around the house and my new favorite sweatshirt!

They came up with the saying "Mass Amounts of Quality Time" because it's my love language coming to life in Massachusetts!  

We had to swing by the whaling museum!  #tourists

And we found the perfect spot for the guys while out exploring!

I thought every turn was adorable!

A quaint island bookstore filled with some of my favorite titles?  Don't wake me up!

That afternoon we stumbled up the best birthday gift a traveler could receive!  
We went to Cisco Brewery as it's a top destination on the island.  
We had no problem getting a table for 6 and enjoyed a leisurely afternoon with food & drinks.
We had no idea how lucky we were until we tried to visit again later on the trip and there was a line down the road and people packed in like sardines!

We treated the team to a lovely dinner on the beach that night!

The next day started with a brunch with a view!

And then hopped on mopeds to fulfil my birthday wish!

We scooted all over the island, first stopping at THE lighthouse!

And I felt super celebrated as we busted on champagne on the beach!

How can one island be so cute?!?!

The afternoon ended with ice cream.  Yes, please.

Our final dinner was bitter sweet!

We arrived home and jumped right back into busy sports schedules!

Grandpa and Grandma visited and got to watch a bunch of the fun!

Halloween 2022
Colt, you were a made up character with a face mask that glowed.  You joined the neighborhood boys for trick-or-treating.

Unfortunately, Jax, your Halloween was spent sleeping off some sickness so no fun plans for you.
Dad & I stayed home and handed out candy while taking care of you.

November included Girls Brunches:

Feed the Hunger:

The Amazing Race:

And a Thanksgiving first!  Jax, your soccer team had a tournament in Houston over the week of Thanksgiving so our celebration looked a bit different.

Team Thanksgiving in the hotel lobby!

(The Lake Family also hosted us at their house on Thanksgiving Day but I don't have a single photo from that!)

December included Twin Days:

Cross Country:

Couch Snuggles:

Dodgeball Fun:

Work Christmas Party:

Basketball Games:

Band Concert:

Fackler Fiesta:

and a school sing-a-long.

Just when you think December is the busiest of them all, stay tuned as there's more to come!