Dearest Boys,
What I didn't mention in the last post, is that we came home from vacation to water damage! The guest bathroom sink overflowed upstairs and came through the kitchen ceiling! It was an unpleasant surprise and it meant living in a state of remodeling for the rest of the summer. This was our kitchen for a bit...

We relished opportunities to eat away from home and Kate's dance convention at the Gaylord was the perfect timing!

To remind ourselves how fortunate we still were, we joined friends for a volunteer opportunity - organizing school supplies for kids in need.

And then we let the waves wash away our stress with a day on the lake (courtesy of Dad's boss and his sweet boat!).

Grandpa and Grandma got a new puppy so we just had to check on him and make sure he knew we were on the approved visitor list.

After months of classes and driving lessons behind the wheel, you finished your Driver's Ed, Jax. You and your buddy spent so many hours together and had hilarious stories to share whenever I picked y'all up.

Mike, Jess, and Hailey came for a visit and we found fun ways to stay cool. One way - so much pool time!!

And indoor putt-putt!

There was also a wizard themed escape room - which we dominated!
They also found an indoor adventure park for us that we'd never been to (Bolder).
July wrapped up with a birthday celebration for Kim...
...and our annual B2S Triple Date!
August meant back to school and my training started right away on August 1st!
We had a pep rally at Marcus...
...and that finally gave us gals a chance to see each other for the first time in months!
Although I had to work on August 4th, we tried to make your day special!
Remember this balloon creation we ordered for you?
You got to invite a few friends to join you at Top Golf.
And Grandma made sure to make your favorite - cherry cheese pie!
On my actual birthday, we went for pedicures (not pictured) and then headed to the Rangers game. Grandpa wasn't feeling well, so you were allowed to bring a friend, Colt.
We took our annual picture on the stairs.
1st day of 10th grade for Jax
1st day of 8th grade for Colt
And first day of Year 2 (together) for us!
The big guys on campus had some pool time to celebrate Caden turning 14!
After just a few weeks of downtime, soccer picked right back up!
Your team won the first tournament they entered.
We hung out with Andrew at his gaming convention.
I'm relishing this year because I already know I'll miss having you around next year!!!
You, on the other hand, relished football.
Jax, I have to include this picture - in hopes that you laugh one day. This is the day your buddies got together for a Fantasy Football draft. Just a few months later, you'd place last and have an awful punishment. I think someone has pictures of it somewhere but I haven't seen them.
Colt, you joined a different Rattlers team after your last coach retired and the team separated.
This group of boys has a lot of silly fun!
Fall is full - of great sports, great weather, & great memories!