Thursday, May 19, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Dearest Jackson,

Sometimes I wish I could just have a tape recorder tucked away in a pocket of yours and have it permanently recording.  You are at such a fun age as you come up with some of the darnest things to say!  Just a few that I want to remember:

First of all, your praises are too precious - "Good job, mommy!", "Yay, Colton!", and "Good throw, Daddy!" are just a few we hear. 

"It's not funny."  You say this with the most serious of tones anytime Daddy or I laugh at something that you don't like.  For instance, Senji likes to give Colton BIG kisses and it makes us laugh.  You are very protective of Colton though and let us know that "It's not funny!"

"Are we going to go to the party?"  Between birthdays and graduations, your social calendar has been filled with parties for the last few months and they're just commonplace to you now.  You check in almost daily to see which one we'll be going to next. 

"We don't touch the stove." you say while shaking your head.  Unfortunately, you learned this one the hard way a few weeks ago as your little fingers landed on a burner that was still hot.  Fortunately, you seem to have learned your lesson because you now remind us often to stay away because it's hot.

"One time we took our clothes off and went to the airport."  HAHAHA!  I don't know where this came from because we did no such thing but you told me this twice tonight - which is what prompted me to do this blog post.  Maybe you have vivid dreams?  Maybe you're just thinking about the security point where we take our shoes off?  I'm not sure...but I do know that I love chatting with you and I look forward to many more special talks : )

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