Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 months young

Dearest Colton,

You've officially been on the outside longer than you were in!  I feel as if you used this 10th month to try to ditch babyhood as you're doing all sorts of big-boy things!

This picture took about a dozen tries as you don't sit still.  You are a speed crawler and will go over, under, around, or through anything that's in your path.  More likely than not, your path leads to a ledge of some sort and you will pull up to stand at said ledge.  
 The first few minutes of your day (which starts earlier than I'd like, by the way (6:00!)) are your only still moments.  You like to lay in bed with your brother while drinking your morning bottle and watching cartoons. 

Much of our family time was spent outside this month as we tried to enjoy ourselves before the summer sun bakes us.  During a fish fry at a friend's house, you donned your first swimsuit...although you never touched the water.

We repeated the water fun in our own backyard a few days later - this time, wearing only your birthday suit ; )

In non-photographed updates - your appetite remains surprising.  You're taking less and less of an interest in bottles and more of an interest in anything and everything we're eating.  I've yet to see you refuse a food - although blueberries seem to be the one thing that will make you wrinkle your nose. 
Napping is still a point of contention as you wake up after only 30 minutes and claim to be done.  We believe differently; therefore, a battle ensues. 
You give big open-mouthed kisses when prompted...but they're usually for daddy!  Inside of that sweet mouth of yours, some top teeth are poking through!  We can see 3 or 4 so it won't be long before your adorable, gummy, grin is gone.
Let's not have too many of these rapid months, ok?  No matter what, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be!

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