Another good thing about having the whole week off together was that we got to celebrate a momentous occasion - Daddy's 30th Birthday!!! His special day started by us letting him sleep in until 8:30. We woke him up by bringing him breakfast in bed complete with the "Happy Birthday" song. After that, we had him open presents while watching your favorite show (Phineas & Ferb) together.
Then we took him to the hobby store so that he could have a little birthday shopping spree. Afterwards, we took him to lunch and then went home for a big, family, nap. Ms. Deanna came over to babysit you boys so that I could take Daddy out on a date that evening. It was a special day for a special man. You boys should feel pretty special as well since he's yours. On his 30th birthday, here are 30 reasons that your dad rocks:
1. He prays for you.
2. He prays with you.
3. He is smart.
4. He is a hard worker.
5. He shares his ice cream with you.
6. He pushes you on the swings.
7. He pitches you the ball.
8. He lets you ride on his shoulders.
9. He sings silly songs while changing your diapers.
10. He reads books to you.
11. He assembles your toys.
12. He reassembles the toys you manage to take apart.
13. He takes you to church.
14. He pulls you in the cart behind his bike.
15. He plays “don’t shake the baby/big boy” after bath time.
16. He cooks food with your tastes in mind.
17. He picks restaurants with “play areas”.
18. He keeps your air filters clean.
19. He gives thoughtful answers to your questions.
20. He shows you how to be a loving husband.
21. He lets you be his assistants on house projects.
22. He calls you on the telephone when he’s on a business trip.
23. He skypes with you on the computer when he’s on a long business trip.
24. He is proud of you.
25. He tells you he loves you at least once a day.
26. He plans for your future.
27. He “steals” extra hugs and kisses during your bedtime rituals.
28. He brags about you to others.
29. He is your ultimate wrestling opponent.
30. He was picked by God to be your dad!So excited for the next 30 years!!!
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