Sunday, April 22, 2012

Birthday morning

Dear Jax,

I have a new favorite 4 year old and that's YOU!  We had a busy birthday morning at the ball fields as pictures were at 9:00 and your game was at 10:00.

They schedule these pictures an hour before game time and that's because that's about how long it takes to get everyone's individual pictures and to get one, good, group shot.  I was super impressed at how you patiently kept smiling even through all the, "Hands on your laps!" and "Look this way!" and "Don't pick your nose!" requests from the photographer.  I think you were just thrilled to be front and center as the "holder of the bats"!  : )

Turning 4 but you've got the form of a 5 year old already ; )

Mom gets a double thumbs up from the birthday boy on 1st base!

I signed up to bring snack this week and I made extra-special treats for your team in celebration of your big day!  They were a hit and you scarfed your first one down before I could get a picture - but here I captured you on your way to baseball-pop #2.

You would think that after a morning like that, you'd need a nap....but no way!  You joined Daddy and Andy at the race track and helped with the r.c. car instead.  

Still ahead...the tons of fun we had at your party!

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