Dear Colt & Jax,
*Make smoothies
*Play a game with a grandparent
*See a movie in the theater
(We've only been teased with previews for "Brave" since about February!)
*Fly on an airplane
(Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Play at a splash park
(Kind of here - but not the splash park I had in mind.)
*Build a sandcastle
(Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Swim in at least 3 different pools
(So far: Lantana Country Club, The Vaughn's Neighborhood Pool, The Lake's plastic pool, The Lewisville Community Pool, and our very own)
*Visit the zoo
(Here with plans to go again soon!)
*Go to a museum
*Play at The Ark
(We had a playdate there on Monday, June 11th - but no photos were taken.)
*Watch a parade
*Ride a rollercoaster
*See the ocean
(Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Throw water balloons
*Make homemade ice cream
*Hug a great-grandparent
(Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Check out books from the library
(Here and we'll go again to return them and check out more!)
*Watch a baseball game
(We've watched bits and pieces on tv but the real deal is coming soon!)
*Fly a kite
*Create a painting
*Play at Paradise Pond
*Empty our game card at Going Bonkers
(This might be the trickiest of them all as I *might* have misplaced that card!)
*Family Game Night
*Visit the dentist
*“R.C. car race”
*Practice handwriting
*Attend Vacation Bible School
(Sooner than soon!)
*Donate toys
*Play at at least 4 new parks
(Done! And my i-Phone captured only a few of the memories as they were always on the spur-of-the-moment.)
(First time on the big kid swing!)
*Take a road trip
(The OKC trip is said and done and we'll head to San Antonio at the summer's end.)
We're getting there!
Lovin' the list.... might have to make my own!