On one hand, my cell phone has come in handy lately as I've used the camera function quite often to capture you and your cuteness. On the other hand, the picture quality is poor and the pictures end up blurry nine times out of ten! Here's a dump of the recent pictures courtesy of my iPhone:
Last Tuesday, after VBS, we (Jax and Mommy) went with a big group of friends to lunch and then to see Brave. Out of 7 kids, 5 of them (you included) ended up in their mommy's laps as the movie had some scary scenes. I'm glad we had fun with friends, but I'm not glad we saw this movie!
Wednesday was beautiful outside and our playtime eventually led to bubbles.
Colorful bubbles. Colorful, messy, bubbles. Colorful, messy, bubble memories!
The church hosted a VBS wrap party on Friday night and they filled the lawn with all sorts of water games. Here you are after coming down a big water slide!
Colt, you were super happy in this kiddie pool!
Saturday night, I went out to dinner with these lovely girlfriends and then we walked over to see a movie.
Yesterday, we checked "Empty our game card at Going Bonkers" from our summer list!
And this, this is why I hope to be done with my camera phone!
My birthday present came a few weeks early and I'm now learning this new, beautiful, lens!
God Bless America, the inventor of the DSLR, Channing Tatum, and good friends!
Ha...Channing! You make me LAUGH!!!