Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween festival #2

Dearest Firefighter & Dalmatian,

Yesterday was the first time that we put you both in this year's costumes together as The Bailey Family invited us to a small, local, Halloween festival with them.

There were bounce houses...

There were games...

(In which, you two had drastically different techniques!)

There were prizes...

There were random goats...

There were snuggles...

And there was this disorganized cake walk!  

You boys made the loop around that faded circle umpteen times.  When one of your numbers was finally called, we decided it would be a team win!  Y'all decided on these cupcakes and shared them after a yummy dinner together.

Pplllleeeeease let me keep up this brotherly-duo-themed-costumes shtick for a while because I just LOVE it!  

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