Friday, January 4, 2013

White Christmas (2/3)

Dearest Snow Angels,

We woke up to a Winter Wonderland on Thursday, the 27th!  It had been snowing all day on Wednesday but the wind was too strong to go out and enjoy it and your knee wasn't in any condition to play outside.  I'm glad we waited though because Thursday morning was perfect and your injury was healing nicely!  Y'all trekked through their yard and attempted to throw snowballs.

Jackson, while your brother napped, you convinced Grandma to add the train station to your gingerbread creation.  It turned out pretty cute!

After nap time, we made our way across town to Grandma and Grandpa R.'s house.  Mike, Jess, and Hailey were there and we celebrated Christmas with everyone right away.  Uncle Mike took the camera and here's one scene from our time together - minus Aunt Jess who was curled up beside him fighting a cold.

After dinner, we worked on a fun puzzle together and you boys were so helpful!

Then Grandma took the kids into the kitchen to decorate some cookies.  

At 7:00, Grandma M. picked you up, Jax, as y'all had a date planned to go see the local hockey team.  She sent me this picture from the game and told me that you were having a good time but you did NOT like all the fighting!

Back at the house, Uncle Mike played around with you and Hailey before I snuggled up with the two of you and a story.

The next day was the 28th and we decided to celebrate Daddy's birthday a day early since it worked with everybody's schedules.  Andy, Suzanne, and Katie were in town so they came over to help us celebrate.

After a yummy lunch together, we attempted to get a cousins picture.

Later that evening, Grandma and Grandpa stayed home with you boys so that Daddy and I could have a date.  We went to Aunt Jess and Uncle Mike's house with Andy and Suzanne and stayed out until 2:00!  See??!  Your parents can still have a good time!  ; )

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