Dearest #5,
Your career as an Astro has come to a close. You had another great season in baseball and you're already talking about playing again in the Fall! Your team was an interesting bunch but y'all seemed to have fun. I've already blogged about a few games over the course of this season -- but here are a few more pictures I want to share:
Team Photo Day. Getting everyone to pose for this group picture was liking watching a commercial for Ritalin. This was the same day that you were awarded with Player of the Game!
Seeing you play catcher was one of my proudest moments! It's a new position as 4U doesn't include it but you took to it like a natural. Even your coach inquired, "Who taught you how to do that?"
The post-game high-fives are always adorable!
We'll just assume that you nailed that ball! ; )
This was your assistant coach this year.
I love your focus and determination. Here, you're on third and anxious to get to home plate!
A dug out full of five-year-old boys can easily be mistaken for a circus.
Last weekend, your team celebrated a great season with a cook-out.
Trophies were awarded and your coach had so many nice things to say about you!
As Colton would proudly yell from the stands, "Great job, Bubba!"
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