We've taken that "Let's Play Ball" mantra pretty seriously this season. Jax, to foster your obvious love of athletics, we let you pick two sports for the fall. You are a proud soccer Ninja and a baseball Tiger. Your teams are quite different and you play them as such. The Ninjas are made up of 6 little guys and you practice once a week by running around the field chasing each other. You have 1 or 2 games each week and you've scored a few times but still seem to prefer playing defense.
(Your reaction after a goal!)
The Tigers, on the other hand, are a more serious group with an organized coach who has y'all practicing twice a week. In addition to that, you have 1 or 2 baseball games each week. This is the first season that is "coach pitch" and strikes/fouls/etc. are actually tracked. You've struck out twice and have been so disappointed in yourself each time. You bounce back quickly though and have such a great, eager to learn, attitude the whole time. You were recently awarded the game ball (only the 2nd one of the season) for making plays as third baseman and getting powerful hits at bat!
It makes for a busy schedule but it's a lot of fun! Now if we can just find a way to incorporate the other FOUR sports you want to play!?!?!
Colt, you've yet to get bitten by the sports bug so you tend to do anything but watch the games. Luckily, there's always a field/playground/grandparent for you to play on nearby instead. I sometimes feel bad that we have to drag you to game after game but I figure that this is just the stage of life we're in right now and that your time is coming. And I so look forward to finding your niche! Whether it be boy scouts, robotics competitions, gymnastics (not kidding - you jump around and flip all.the.time), violin lessons, dive team, whatever - we'll be your biggest fans too!
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