Thursday, May 29, 2014

2nd annual pool party

Dearest Boys,

Last weekend we kept the "Pool's Open!/Happy Memorial Day!" party tradition alive!  The Vaughns, Facklers, Rabalaises, and Haryckis joined our fun this year.

Kohen preferring the action sans water
Grady and Cole having a sweet brother moment

Brody getting thrown in by Justin
Drew loving the surprising toy favorite of the evening...the sword!

Kinley and Kate - both so appreciative to not be the only girl : )

Moms/Friends/Lifeguards/Teachers/Mexican Food Connoisseurs

As our group text later confirmed, it's fun doing life together! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18th

Dearest Boys,

I love this blog.  I love the memories and pictures that are documented throughout its pages and I especially love taking walks down memory lane with just a few clicks of the mouse.  Thanks to blogging, I vividly remember...

May 18, 2005:
The blog was new.  Our marriage was new.  We were living in Twinsburg, Ohio and spent so much of our time planning for a house that we didn't even own.  For some reason, I thought we'd like this light fixture:

May 18, 2008:
This time we were living in Lewisville, Texas.  Jackson, you were new and we spent so much of our time getting to know you.  For some reason, Daddy barely remembers you this size.

May 18, 2011:
Still living in Lewisville...but now you, Colton, have joined the family.  We spent so much of our time documenting your milestones because we knew you would be the last baby for us.  For some reason, I wish I had tickled those pudgy thighs of yours more often.

May 18, 2014:
Our family of four resides in our "forever" home in Flower Mound, Texas.  We spend so much of our time together and with family and friends.  For some reason, I can't imagine life getting any better as I consider it darn-near perfect.

(Enjoying s'mores in Grandpa & Grandma's backyard tonight)

...already looking forward to May 18, 2017 ; )

Friday, May 16, 2014

Season Closer

Dearest Boys,

The spring sports season ended and we suddenly have tons of free time!  Soccer ended first and then you had your final baseball game last week.  Grandpa and Grandma came to watch you and you showed them how to hit a double!

You made some great outs while playing in the "pitcher" position.

So long super close baseball park that's right by our house : (  Next season, your games will be all the way across town...

Hopefully, you & Tyson will still be together because he's your favorite baseball-buddy.

There was a party this week to wrap it all up.  Each player was presented a trophy as Coach spoke about the growth and development throughout the season.  The word he used to describe you was "powerful".  He also gave us stats that he's been keeping from each game.  You had a .778 batting average, scored the most doubles on the team, and were near the top of the chart for runs leaders.  You were also awarded with most putouts!  I could not be more proud of you!!

We took a quick team photo (minus the two who couldn't make it)...

 ...and then it was time to use your game tokens!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

6 years of YOU!

Dearest Jackson,

Your sixth year of life was packed with new experiences, changes, and growth!  Some of the noteworthy moments... learning to swim...

...your swim teacher came to our house every day for two weeks and you managed an adorable breast stroke by the time she was done.  You continued to swim all summer and ended up with a tan that made me envious (because you totally have your dad's skin!).

...Grandma and Grandpa moving nearby...  That alone has to be one of the best parts of your 6th year of life!  I love how comfortable you are around them and how much you look forward to going to their house!

...starting kindergarten!...

 ...I still question whether or not I should have you at school with me but I'm comforted when I see the social and academic growth from you!  You've made sweet friends and you love school, especially ESD!

...a week away from Mom & Dad... for the first time in your life, we went on vacation without you and Grandpa & Grandma flew in from Indiana to stay with you for the week.  I love that you had that time with them!



...your natural ability is still amazing to me & we often wonder how to best foster your talent.  Soccer is your best sport although you're great at baseball too.  Throwing the football with you (which you want to do!) makes me nervous because we can tell that you'd be an excellent player but *I'm* not ready to sign you up for a team yet.  

Ok, this could end up being a book if I'm not careful -- so let me try to wrap it up quickly:
You've lost 3 teeth this year & 1 more is loosening up!

You're full of energy and want to play outside constantly.

You are a sweet brother and are so encouraging and helpful towards Colton.

You're a nice friend -- so much so that I've lost track of the number of birthday parties you've been invited to this year!

You're a whiz at math and you're already adding double-digit numbers!

You're a healthy kid and you've only had to see the doctor once this year - and that was for pink eye just a few weeks ago.  (Thanks to that appt., we know that you weigh 50 lbs, 9 oz. and are 48 inches tall!)

You claim that your favorite food is pizza, your favorite tv show is Paw Patrol, your favorite book is Superman, and your favorite colors are blue and green.

According to you, you'll play soccer in high school, you'll find a wife in college (No, seriously, these were your words!), and you'll be a race car driver when you grow up.

And we're the lucky ones because we've gotten to be there for it all!  I pray that your next 6 years are even better and that you never question how great you are.  

We love you more than sleeping in, ice cream, and sunshine!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Let There Be Swimming!

Dearest Future Lifeguards,

Yesterday we christened the pool so it's officially open for the 2014 season!  The water temp. was only 78 degrees but we all braved it and agreed that it felt good after the initial shock.  We ate lunch on the patio and y'all splashed around for over 2 hours!  Here are the top ten moments from our fun in the sun:

Dad rested for a bit before braving the chilly water.

Y'all were intimidated to jump off the diving board at first, so you jumped off the water fall instead.


You tried to remember the strokes you learned in last year's lessons.

It didn't take long before you were ready to jump off the you did...about 30 times!

Enjoy it now, boys - because I'm staking claim on this come summer break!  ; )

Now we somehow have to get through 4 more weeks of school before we can do this every day...

Saturday, May 3, 2014

6th birthday party

Dearest Jackson,

You are now our favorite 6-year-old!  Since your birthday was the day after Easter this year, we had your party a week later.  For the first year ever, you were instrumental in planning your fiesta and you had very specific wants.  Most importantly, you were insistent that the party be "boys only" and you wrote out your guest list about 19 times before we mailed out the invitations.  For the first time since your first birthday we hosted it at our house and we kept it simple.

This game truck pulled up out front and you got to pick from a variety of games for your friends to play.

It was hard for me to photograph inside but there were 4 gaming stations with an entire wall of comfy seating.

You & your friends played in the truck from 2:00-3:30 and then obliged me for a picture.
(Logan, Braxton, you, Jack, Tucker, Grady, Brody, Travis, and Colt)
Of course a silly picture had to go down too!
Then you all came inside for cake and snacks.

After that it was time for presents.  Your friends were so kind!
Your friends gathered around and seemed just as excited as you to see what was inside!  (The Rangers game on the tv was a nice touch, don't you think?)

You took some of your new stuff into the backyard where y'all played until the party ended. 
Before guests left, they each took home a tiny thank-you:
Then we had a mini-photo shoot. 

Your sweet grandma was in the kitchen while y'all were gaming - making treats, setting up the table, and cleaning up.  I'm so glad you allowed Grandma & me to break your "boys only" rule!  ; )

It was so much fun -- just like you!
Happy 6th Birthday, sweetheart!