Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18th

Dearest Boys,

I love this blog.  I love the memories and pictures that are documented throughout its pages and I especially love taking walks down memory lane with just a few clicks of the mouse.  Thanks to blogging, I vividly remember...

May 18, 2005:
The blog was new.  Our marriage was new.  We were living in Twinsburg, Ohio and spent so much of our time planning for a house that we didn't even own.  For some reason, I thought we'd like this light fixture:

May 18, 2008:
This time we were living in Lewisville, Texas.  Jackson, you were new and we spent so much of our time getting to know you.  For some reason, Daddy barely remembers you this size.

May 18, 2011:
Still living in Lewisville...but now you, Colton, have joined the family.  We spent so much of our time documenting your milestones because we knew you would be the last baby for us.  For some reason, I wish I had tickled those pudgy thighs of yours more often.

May 18, 2014:
Our family of four resides in our "forever" home in Flower Mound, Texas.  We spend so much of our time together and with family and friends.  For some reason, I can't imagine life getting any better as I consider it darn-near perfect.

(Enjoying s'mores in Grandpa & Grandma's backyard tonight)

...already looking forward to May 18, 2017 ; )


  1. Look at those sweet babies! Still sweet today, just bigger! Aren't blogs great?!?

  2. I love this idea for a post! I may have to steal it!
