Friday, August 15, 2014

The End: Weeks 8, 9, and 10

Dearest Boys,

The past 3 weeks have sped by in a blur and now we're here at the end.  The end of summer vacation.  The end of sleeping in, staying undressed until noon, swimming multiple times per week, mid-day play dates with friends, careless nights, and late bedtimes (just to name a few).  While I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around these past few weeks, I know they've been filled with birthdays, laughter, and even a few tears.

The few pictures I managed to find are helpful for my memory though...

There was a trip to the Arboretum with these friends.  Y'all ran around the Children's Garden and just enjoyed being boys.


There was also a visit (our first ever) to Hawaiian Falls, courtesy of Grandma.  She took us there with her tickets and even tubed the Hawaiian Halfpipe with us!

Then the tears came...on August 7th, when we said goodbye to Stephy.  Mommy and Daddy made a last minute decision to send you to preschool this year, Colt.  So on her last (of 4) summer days, I sent the 2 of you to spend one last day with Steph.  I couldn't even find the words to tell her that we were leaving and sobbed on her shoulder instead.  Steph has been an integral part of our lives for 5 years now and she had a big part in helping to shape the both of you.  I'm not sure how much you boys will remember her in the years to come, but I will never forget her patient heart, soothing voice, or nurturing spirit.

 This week we took you to your well-check appointment where we were reminded that you top the charts!  You weigh 46 lbs. and you're 42 inches tall!  The doctor (who is new to the practice) complemented you on your social skills and asked, "Are you always so happy?"  : )

Jax, we had another fun first this week!  Your school rewarded you for reading by giving you a free ticket to Six Flags so we went yesterday with Michelle & Brody.  We had great weather, a great low-crowd level, and great friends to ride rides it was a GREAT first trip! 

 And now we're in full "Back to School" mode...bring on the new clothes, school supplies, and Meet the Teacher nights.  **fingers crossed**

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Party like a dinosaur

Dearest 4-year-old,

Yesterday we hosted your birthday party and attempted a dinosaur themed afternoon.  Grandma was the first guest as she arrived early to help with preparation.

 I had her snap a quick family picture before everyone else got there.

Soon thereafter, your friends came to party.  Everyone headed into the backyard for swimming and bouncing.

Full disclosure:  I forgot to take a swimming picture so this is from a few weeks ago!

 After an hour of celebrating in the hot sun, everyone came inside for some dinosaur grub.

 The boys sat at one table and spilled their drinks while trying not to wrestle.

 The girls sat in the dining room and made up stories about dinosaur princesses.  (not even kidding)

 All the kids ran upstairs to play when they were done eating....all, except you.  You shared the chair with Michelle and read some magazines.  Probably a highlight of your day ; )

Next up was presents!  Your friends gathered around closely as you tore through the treasures they gave you.  While I can manage a classroom of 23 students with ease, keeping 11 little ones organized during present opening was a daunting task -- and that's my excuse as to why I have zero pictures of you opening any of your great gifts.  I did, however, get everyone quickly arranged into a group formation before we moved on to the cake...


The last celebratory act was the smashing of the pinata.  Each kiddo got to take swings at it but it remained intact!  That's got to be good luck or something, right?

No worries, as Daddy busted it open after everyone had a turn.
 Grandpa and Grandma were the last to leave so I snapped one final picture ... and I think your chlorinated eyes and sunburned cheeks tell the tales of a fun afternoon.

 I hope your remember your birthday as absolutely ROARsome!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The 4th year

Dearest Colton,

Another year has flown by and you spent it growing and changing into a little boy.  Gone are the days of rocking you, changing your diaper, or putting you down for a nap.  Those things have been replaced with coloring pictures, throwing balls, or playing games.  And, as much as I loved that stage, I love this stage even more!  

In full disclosure, the year had its rocky moments.  Our personalities caused some head-butting and potty training became a marathon -- but that seems so long ago.  At this very moment, I love you more than I ever thought possible.  You are the sweetest, most caring, loving little being and your actions remind me to try to be better every day.  

You are in "do-it-yourself" mode and you want to pick out your clothes, get dressed, brush your teeth, etc. all by yourself and you do each step with the patience of a saint.  Just yesterday you took about 5 minutes to put on your sandals and I thought I was going to lose my mind...until I looked at your determined face and saw that you were trying your hardest and weren't letting some strap setbacks frustrate you in the slightest.  And you come to us with your shirt on backwards almost every day.  When we tell you it's backwards, you just smile before kindly asking for our help.  I need these lessons from you, Colt.

Four years later and you still love to give us hugs and cuddles!  You like group hugs and multiple kisses in a row and you aren't afraid to love on your brother even though doing so results in a wrestling match nine times out of ten.  

You remind us to pray before every meal and you like to be the one to lead the prayer.  Your considerate words don't stop there you are quick to thank people for things and impress people with your manners often.  When I opened my birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma, you leaned in to Grandma for a hug and said, "Thanks for giving that to my mom."  

No one is perfect though - and you're no exception as you've had plenty of time outs this past year.  Most of them have resulted from a sharing disagreement between you and Jax or you and a friend.  But you don't hold grudges and you're quick to forgive and return to the fun.

I took this picture just to show that you still have to stand tip-toed to reach
Your two biggest transitions this year involved potty training and napping.  Potty training did not come easily and you fought a hard fight.  You had a legit fear of using the potty and it took a lot of work and tons of patience (from Daddy, Mommy was already at her wit's end!) before we finally put you in underwear full-time.  To give you some incentive, Michelle promised you a Chuck-E-Cheese date and we promised you that you could join a sports team once you were potty trained.  Michelle held up her end of the deal.  And now we're following through with ours as you've decided you want to try to baseball this Fall. 

Sometime in there, you also decided that you didn't want to nap anymore so we dropped your afternoon nap.  We can tell that the days are still exhausting though because you are quick to fall asleep in the car if we drive further than 5 miles and you'll even lay down to "rest" in our bed with us if we ask you.  You go to bed a little before 8:00 and you like to have your monkeys with you.  You're still the first person awake and you're a happy camper the minute your feet hit the floor!

You are Daddy's "rest" buddy

Your favorite things include play-doh, dancing/tumbling, being a helper, going to Grandpa & Grandma's, and taking/looking through pictures.

I find pictures like this on my phone often (and I love it!!).

You've filled my heart with so much joy in only four year's time and you complete our world.  Life is better with you in it and I praise God for the gift of you all the time.  We love you more than iPhones, sunsets, and cupcakes!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

4th birthday

Dearest Colton,

As of now, you are 4 years, 1 day, and 12 hours old.  You have been anxiously awaiting your special day so I wanted to make it enjoyable for you.  But with your party just a few days away, I also knew to keep it low-key. 

It started with a breakfast of chocolate chip muffins.

Then we made your birthday cake.

We headed to the store to buy the things you wanted for your party.

 Then we played at a new-to-us park.

 That afternoon you filled your pinata with candy.

 And then you requested a special birthday fort. 

We told you that you could eat anywhere you wanted since it was your special day and you picked McDonalds.

Then we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house and you opened your first present.

You got to open a little more when we returned home.

And your day ended with us singing for you and eating the yummy cake we made earlier.

It was simple and sweet and, just like that, you became a four year old.
A very special, much loved, adorable four-year-old!