Sunday, August 10, 2014

Party like a dinosaur

Dearest 4-year-old,

Yesterday we hosted your birthday party and attempted a dinosaur themed afternoon.  Grandma was the first guest as she arrived early to help with preparation.

 I had her snap a quick family picture before everyone else got there.

Soon thereafter, your friends came to party.  Everyone headed into the backyard for swimming and bouncing.

Full disclosure:  I forgot to take a swimming picture so this is from a few weeks ago!

 After an hour of celebrating in the hot sun, everyone came inside for some dinosaur grub.

 The boys sat at one table and spilled their drinks while trying not to wrestle.

 The girls sat in the dining room and made up stories about dinosaur princesses.  (not even kidding)

 All the kids ran upstairs to play when they were done eating....all, except you.  You shared the chair with Michelle and read some magazines.  Probably a highlight of your day ; )

Next up was presents!  Your friends gathered around closely as you tore through the treasures they gave you.  While I can manage a classroom of 23 students with ease, keeping 11 little ones organized during present opening was a daunting task -- and that's my excuse as to why I have zero pictures of you opening any of your great gifts.  I did, however, get everyone quickly arranged into a group formation before we moved on to the cake...


The last celebratory act was the smashing of the pinata.  Each kiddo got to take swings at it but it remained intact!  That's got to be good luck or something, right?

No worries, as Daddy busted it open after everyone had a turn.
 Grandpa and Grandma were the last to leave so I snapped one final picture ... and I think your chlorinated eyes and sunburned cheeks tell the tales of a fun afternoon.

 I hope your remember your birthday as absolutely ROARsome!

1 comment:

  1. It was a super fun party, and I LOVED your 3-Dimensional cake! Happy Birthday, Colton!
