Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Patch '14

Dearest Colton and Jax,

Traditions are still alive and well in our family but they look a lot different now than when they first began. 

The first time we went to the pumpkin patch, I marked the date on the calendar, picked out your outfit in preparation for the fun, and then took 182 pictures once we were there.

(Evidence:  October 2008)

(Evidence:  October 2009)
(Evidence:  October 2010)

Things went down much differently this year.  For starters, I had no idea when we would visit the pumpkin patch.  We pass it a few times each week and you two would always ask when we'd get to go.  I'd answer you truthfully each time, "When we have a free night and all four of us are home."  Secondly, matched outfits were the last thing on my mind.  And, lastly, photography was kept at a minimum this year. 

So we ended up going after school one day last week, on a whim, in your clothes from that day -- and it was awesome!  Low crowds, the setting sun, and nothing to rush off to afterwards.  **Remember this for the future, Tiffany!! (Don't be alarmed when Mommy talks to herself, boys.)

 For the ONE shot I did really want, I managed to forget how to focus!

And this is what I get when I zoom in and ask y'all to try once more for me...

Since I didn't like the picture above, I asked y'all to pose on some pumpkins.

Jax, you took the posing idea to mocking level and I laughed while snapping this one!

 I could do this for another 10 years or so...please indulge me ; )

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