Friday, September 30, 2011


Dearest Jackson & Colton,
I try not to compare every little thing about the two of you but I think it’s only natural.  I’ve only done this parenting thing once before so every time you (Colt) do something I think, “How did this go with Jackson?” Jax, you have always been a superb sleeper – so I prayed for the same with you, Colton.  While you sleep through the night wonderfully, you are such different sleepers and it fascinates me.  For instance, since birth – you, Jax, have slept on your back.  You have and continue to sleep with your bedroom door open and you like a bit of white noise.  Colton, you have liked sleeping on your stomach since day one.  While you also like some white noise, you sleep best with your door closed.  It took us a few months to figure this out but you’ve been sleeping with it closed ever since.  The biggest difference is your required “comfort” items.  Colt, you sleep with nothing in particular.  You’ve never taken a paci, you don’t use blankets, and you seem disinterested in each animal we lovingly placed in your crib.  Jax, you clung to the paci for a while and you quickly attached yourself to a green blanket.  Your absolute must-have is your “baby” though.  The Colts bear given to you by Grandpa & Grandma R. is your favorite whether it’s night-night time, nap time, travel-up-north time, or just rest-on-the-couch-because-you-feel-yucky time.  Well, after years of love and some restiching by Grandma, Colts bear needed a permanent rest.  You got a new “baby” but I’m not sure he’s had the same effect.  Tonight, as I tried to tuck him in with you, you told me that he should sleep on your train table.  Woah!  Of course, I had to take a picture to document this event…

I’m usually not one for saving things, but I’m pretty sure your original “baby” will be in our family forever J

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Dearest Gator,

Along with Game 4, today was also the day for your team's pictures.  We were told to meet at the field earlier than early...but I guess some of your teammates didn't get that memo because 3 of them weren't there!  And one of them that did show up wanted nothing to do with pictures; therefore, here is a shot of your little team before Game 4:

Of course, a goofy shot was necessary:

As you can see, we finally bought you the "proper" pants.  Even in a size XS, everything still looks so baggy on you!  For nostalgia's sake, I'll probably keep this little uniform forever.  Now for memory's sake, I want you to know that the league's tee ball rules are pretty loose - - there are 3 innings, with no outs, and numerous adults are allowed on the field for support.  Us adults hoot and holler for y'all as if this really were the majors and you each cross home plate as if you really did just hit a 3-run homer.  Since it was team picture day, I had my camera out and I captured a few more shots of you in action.  I promise I won't have my camera at every other game.  I wouldn't want to be "that mom" ; )

You don't seem to have a nerve in your body as you go up to bat

Nine times out of ten, you make solid contact with the ball. 
(I'm proud.)

After each game, you always talk about how fast you ran to the bases.

Here you are giving the 3rd base coach a high-five

You played outfield again in this game and you started off focused and ready

And I love your intensity when you go after a ball that comes your way

But I also love how quickly you (and the other Gators) get bored while waiting for some action

Everyone shows good sportsmanship after each game

Then, your coach always calls you into a huddle (Is that only appropriate for football?) and asks if everyone had fun.  Y'all have now learned that if anyone responds with "No" that you all have to run the bases so someone does so each time.  No big deal though as this seems to be your favorite part!

While you were all smiles, your brother was tired of being at the ball fields for over 2 hours.  He & Daddy took a few walks.  But don't worry - they never went out of sight.  We all love watching you play your little heart out!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thank God for Rainbows

Dearest Brothers,

After months without precipitation, this weekend shocked us all with rain shower after rain shower.  There's a neat lightening show going on outside as I type this and, Jax, you've already reminded me of what to do in the event of storm : )

As much as our state needed this, the sprinkles put a damper on a weekend of fun plans!  Friday night was my school's annual carnival.  It's the big PTA fundraiser for the year complete with bounce houses, dunk tanks, cotton candy - the works!  We made it through one whole ride before the sky opened up and they moved the carnival inside instead. 

Saturday was supposed to include your 3rd tee ball game of the season but the game was rescheduled due to the soggy field.  Instead, you boys spent the morning playing together.

(Your drool makes me wonder if some big teeth are trying to come through.)

(Your frequent somersaulting makes me wonder if gymnastics would've been better than tee ball.)

(Your wrestling matches make me wonder what I've gotten myself into!)

I was so excited to go back to Plano's Balloon Festival today as we had a lot of fun watching them launch last year.  However, as we pulled into the parking lot, we were told that they were calling it off due to approaching storms.  Yay for safety for our third event of the weekend impacted by this stuff.  So, plan B was find a nearby park and let y'all run off your energy.

And so glad for the change of plans -- because, thanks to the park, we now have this picture:

Another good thing about this rain is that it led to a gorgeous rainbow -- which led to this conversation:

Jax:  Who painted that rainbow?
Daddy:  God.
Jax:  Mommy, God painted that rainbow in the sky.
Me:  He made it so pretty.
Jax:  Why did He make such a beautiful rainbow?
Me:  To remind us of His promise.
Jax:  That was a good idea by Him.

God is good.  All the time!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reminder: Buy tee ball pants!

Dearest Jackson,

Game 1 is in the record books.  After a few chaotic practices, you and the other Gators took on the Red Sox.  For a few minutes, I feared that this blog post wouldn't even be possible.  It all started when I showed you your jersey.  You did not want to wear it!  Your attitude got worse when we pulled into the ballpark.  You were really melting when I dragged you onto the field to warm up with your team.  By the time it was your turn to bat, you were totally checked out.  I thought your baseball career was over as I watched you refuse your hat and glove and, instead, head over to the unused diamond next to the one where your fellow teammates were playing their hearts out.  All by yourself, you walked the bases. 

 In the moment, I was too frustrated to get it.  But, as I type this, I'm amazed by you and your coping mechanism.  You were so overwhelmed by the action of it all that you took a little time to yourself.  Maybe you gave yourself a pep talk?  Maybe you said some prayers?  Maybe you just needed some space from your overly enthusiastic mother?  I'm not sure.  All I know, is that just a few minutes later you came running over and telling us you were ready to go!

You proudly stepped into the batter's box and your very first swing sent the ball sailing over the "pitcher's" head. 

You took off to first base

And here you are, still happy as a lark, making your way to third.

After making it back to home plate, you triumphantly carried the bat back to the cages. 

Meanwhile, your brother took on the unofficial role of "ball boy"

When he wasn't doing that, he had the best seat in the house

Then it was your turn on defense and you were at shortstop today.

After the game, you gathered with your team to do a Gator Chomp.  Then you all put your little hands together for one, loud, proud, "Go Gators".  I was definitely not the only mom taking pictures are this sweet moment.

The grand finale was a well-deserved snack and drink.

You are my favorite favorite tee ball favorite 3 year old.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

In my heart you'll always stay - forever young

Dearest Colton & Jackson,

I haven't been doing the best job at keeping this digital scrapbook up-to-date for the two of you - yet, you both keep growing and changing so much!  I know you won't remember the chaos from this week but y'all were my little moving company as I moved schools.  Not only did I change schools, but I'm teaching an entirely different grade level; therefore, the "new" teacher in me has been interrupting the mommy in me.  In between moving boxes, planning lessons, and researching phonics, I've taken a few pictures of you boys and your random accomplishments -
Jax, you started chewing gum a few weeks ago and we're now considering buying stock in Wrigley's.  We tried gum a few times in the past but it always turned into an unexpected snack for you.  One day you just "got it" though and you can now chew gum for hours!  You always ask for "dum" for both of us before getting it from the kitchen drawer.  You're great about spitting it in the trash before a meal and you've yet to fall asleep with a piece.  I hope that lucky streak continues as I remember a certain little girl waking up with gum in her hair and it was NOT fun taking it out!!

Oops - this is what happened when I asked you to open your mouth so I could take a picture with your gum!

Colton, you have become such a helper around the house!  You're my helper who walks the laundry basket from the bedroom into the laundry room.  Here you are helping me unload the dishwasher!

Jax, we got your hairs cut again this weekend and I was impressed by the short style!  I forget just how adorable you are with a fresh hair cut!

IN BIG NEWS::::  You are a walker, Colton James!!!  You've really taken off just this past week and your timid wobble is simply precious.  The pride on your face makes my heart smile!

Your new found independence has brought about a few unpleasant behaviors, Mr. Colt.  Your preferred pouting style has involved laying on the ground, kicking your feet, and growling at the floor.  We are quick to leave you alone when these behaviors rear their ugly heads...after I've taken a picture, of course ; )

Today y'all went to a friend's birthday party.  The theme was swimming princesses dressed up on airplanes and you looked so silly in this oversized cowboy hat.

Afterwards, we had fajita night at Brody & Kate's and all 6 kiddos ran around together in the backyard. 
Colt, you took the festivities to a whole new level as you stripped down to only a diaper : )

Oh, boys!  I'm so conflicted as I'm proud of your milestones but also mourning your babyhood (you know, like childhood - but with cute, tiny, babies).  You are totally thriving and I could not ask for more!