Dearest Jackson,
Game 1 is in the record books. After a few chaotic practices, you and the other Gators took on the Red Sox. For a few minutes, I feared that this blog post wouldn't even be possible. It all started when I showed you your jersey. You did not want to wear it! Your attitude got worse when we pulled into the ballpark. You were really melting when I dragged you onto the field to warm up with your team. By the time it was your turn to bat, you were totally checked out. I thought your baseball career was over as I watched you refuse your hat and glove and, instead, head over to the unused diamond next to the one where your fellow teammates were playing their hearts out. All by yourself, you walked the bases.
In the moment, I was too frustrated to get it. But, as I type this, I'm amazed by you and your coping mechanism. You were so overwhelmed by the action of it all that you took a little time to yourself. Maybe you gave yourself a pep talk? Maybe you said some prayers? Maybe you just needed some space from your overly enthusiastic mother? I'm not sure. All I know, is that just a few minutes later you came running over and telling us you were ready to go!
You proudly stepped into the batter's box and your very first swing sent the ball sailing over the "pitcher's" head.
You took off to first base
And here you are, still happy as a lark, making your way to third.
After making it back to home plate, you triumphantly carried the bat back to the cages.
Meanwhile, your brother took on the unofficial role of "ball boy"
When he wasn't doing that, he had the best seat in the house
Then it was your turn on defense and you were at shortstop today.
After the game, you gathered with your team to do a Gator Chomp. Then you all put your little hands together for one, loud, proud, "Go Gators". I was definitely not the only mom taking pictures are this sweet moment.
The grand finale was a well-deserved snack and drink.
You are my favorite favorite tee ball favorite 3 year old.
Aww, what a good little boy to go get his attitude in check and then come back all ready to play!! Sweet memory for you!