Sunday, September 4, 2011

In my heart you'll always stay - forever young

Dearest Colton & Jackson,

I haven't been doing the best job at keeping this digital scrapbook up-to-date for the two of you - yet, you both keep growing and changing so much!  I know you won't remember the chaos from this week but y'all were my little moving company as I moved schools.  Not only did I change schools, but I'm teaching an entirely different grade level; therefore, the "new" teacher in me has been interrupting the mommy in me.  In between moving boxes, planning lessons, and researching phonics, I've taken a few pictures of you boys and your random accomplishments -
Jax, you started chewing gum a few weeks ago and we're now considering buying stock in Wrigley's.  We tried gum a few times in the past but it always turned into an unexpected snack for you.  One day you just "got it" though and you can now chew gum for hours!  You always ask for "dum" for both of us before getting it from the kitchen drawer.  You're great about spitting it in the trash before a meal and you've yet to fall asleep with a piece.  I hope that lucky streak continues as I remember a certain little girl waking up with gum in her hair and it was NOT fun taking it out!!

Oops - this is what happened when I asked you to open your mouth so I could take a picture with your gum!

Colton, you have become such a helper around the house!  You're my helper who walks the laundry basket from the bedroom into the laundry room.  Here you are helping me unload the dishwasher!

Jax, we got your hairs cut again this weekend and I was impressed by the short style!  I forget just how adorable you are with a fresh hair cut!

IN BIG NEWS::::  You are a walker, Colton James!!!  You've really taken off just this past week and your timid wobble is simply precious.  The pride on your face makes my heart smile!

Your new found independence has brought about a few unpleasant behaviors, Mr. Colt.  Your preferred pouting style has involved laying on the ground, kicking your feet, and growling at the floor.  We are quick to leave you alone when these behaviors rear their ugly heads...after I've taken a picture, of course ; )

Today y'all went to a friend's birthday party.  The theme was swimming princesses dressed up on airplanes and you looked so silly in this oversized cowboy hat.

Afterwards, we had fajita night at Brody & Kate's and all 6 kiddos ran around together in the backyard. 
Colt, you took the festivities to a whole new level as you stripped down to only a diaper : )

Oh, boys!  I'm so conflicted as I'm proud of your milestones but also mourning your babyhood (you know, like childhood - but with cute, tiny, babies).  You are totally thriving and I could not ask for more!

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