Sunday, August 26, 2012

Salt Cream

Dearest Jackson and Colton,

Tomorrow we head off in four different directions.  Daddy drives far away to his new job.  Colton, you'll be one of the "big kids" at Steph's house.  Jax, you'll be at your "big boy school".  And I'll be starting another year of first grade.  It was a nice, long, summer together and we accomplished all but one of our Summer Fun "to-do"s.  The last thing we did was make homemade ice cream together.  If I would've known how easy it was, it might have been the first activity we completed instead of the last!

Step One:  Make a silly face while we add a few ingredients to our baggies.

Step Two:  Attempt to shake the bags while laughing at Dad's technique.

Step Three:  Show ice cream to Mom before anyone is allowed to take a bite ; )

Note for next time:  Rinse the salt off the bag before opening it up or else the ice cream tastes like it came from the ocean!

Also noteworthy:  "Fly a Kite" is the one activity we didn't get around to this summer!  Windy days are harder to come by than I expected...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Dear Jackson and Colton,

If I ever get so consumed with organizing my classroom that I forget to pack drinks in your lunch boxes, will you gently remind me?  And if I ever work on lesson plans all night long instead of brushing your teeth, will you nudge me with your toothpaste?  And if I ever spend my free time cutting out alphabet letters instead of blogging, will you forgive me?  It's that time of year and, although I've only been back to work for a few days, I already feel guilty that I've been wearing my "teacher hat" way more than my "mommy hat".  And that's a shame really because my mommy hat is my goes with all my outfits and I always get a lot of compliments on it...

Soon, it won't be just me in my classroom as I will be joined by 19 first graders on Monday morning.  And I think that before I have to put on my counselor, nurse, janitor, cheerleader, and referee (just to name a few) hats, I'd better update our little blog.

Last week at this time we were meeting up with Brody & Kate at a new-to-our-area play place.  Y'all spent two hours running around this "Safari Park" and had a great time!

(You willingly got on this robotic animal ride but then quickly changed your mind.  
I had to hold your hand and just try to keep up!)

(Jax, you chose to ride on the robotic chicken (safari??) and it was practically like bull riding as this thing swayed side to side - but you liked it!)

(Shout out to Kate for being the only kiddo to participate in this picture of y'all taking your train ride!)

It was a fun way to wrap up summer and I'm sure we'll be back again sometime!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Catch Up

Dearest Colton and Jax,

Just as it does every year, summer is wrapping up without my permission.  I guess my I-can't-believe-it's-almost-fall-hangover is my reason for not getting out the camera at all in the last week.  Trusty i-Phone to the rescue!  Here's a glimpse into us recently:

Colt, you found the markers.  Again.

We've taken advantage of having the pool within walking distance.

I've spent hours on this decompression table.

Jax, you played dress up to show Grandma the costume she bought for you.

A quick picture - before Sea World, I think.?.?.

Colt, you slept through almost our entire lunch on the riverwalk!

We visited the pediatrician this week for your 2 year check up.  You top the charts across the board with a height of 36.5 inches, a weight of 32lbs 9oz, and a head circumference of 51 cm!  

We hit fun milestones this week as we had to buy a lunch box for you, Jackson, and a potty seat for you, Colt!  I'll be packing your lunch a few times this year - at your big boy school - so we took you to the store to pick out your own lunch box!  You didn't even hesitate as you walked straight to this Lightning McQueen metal lunch box!  Colton, you've been very excited about sitting on the potty lately, so we got you your own seat.  You've peed in the potty once so far and we totally celebrated that accomplishment!  

Daddy got a new job -- and that meant that he had to give the van back to his old company.  To replace it, we bought a truck and you couldn't be happier, Jax.  You love the truck - you say so yourself - and you'll talk about it with anyone who will listen.  We went out to dinner with Deanna & Kristy recently and you were both ecstatic to share your truckthusiasm with the ladies.

We took Daddy shopping for new clothes for his new job and you happened upon THE "it" item of the season!  This necklace (pictured here in orange) is all the rage amongst girls who accessorize and we about gave the salesperson a heart attack as you played with this nearly $100 "toy"!  

Your brother decided that now that you're 2, he could teach you to climb in and out of your crib, Colton.  Bummer!  You boys think it's a blast to play in there together and I think our crib days are quickly coming to an end.  An unrelated note:  we got your back-to-school haircut today, Jackson - look how handsome you are!!!

Jax, you asked if you could snap a picture of us and I think it turned out darling!  Colt, I love your big smile in this one!!

I so love summertime with you boys!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cumpleanos en San Antonio

Dearest Boys,

We took our birthday celebrations on the road last weekend as we headed south to San Antonio.  The best part about it was that Grandma came with us!!!  She flew in on Thursday and we hit the road on Friday morning.  

After terrible traffic in Austin (documenting less for memory's sake but more so to remind us for future drives!), we made it to our fabulous hotel just in time to grab some dinner and settle down for the night.

Saturday was your big day, Colton!  We spent your special day by visiting Sea World for the first time!

The dolphin encounter was my favorite part of the park and we went there first.

 Jax, you then talked Grandma into riding a rollercoaster with you (it wasn't a hard sell!).

I loved how happy you were as you exited your first rollercoaster : )

Next up was the carousal.

We also to a break from the heat to watch "Shamu"!

Grandma snuck a technically-too-short-Colton on to the last ride of the day.

We headed back to the hotel to celebrate two years of you!!

Sunday was my birthday and mom didn't waste any time as she greeted me in bed with presents!  
We ate breakfast in our room and then drove into downtown.
We started with a quick tour through the Alamo.  You were most impressed with the rocks in the flower beds on this trip but at least we got the Texas History ball rolling...

It was then down to the riverwalk for a boat tour.  
While this was not our boat, I like how mom captured the "feel" of the place with this picture.

A nice lady offered to take our picture on the cramped boat but neither of you understand the concept of smiling for strangers quite yet ; )

We got off the boat hot and hungry so we went straight to lunch.  Grandma took you, Jax, for a stroll while we waited on our food.  Colt, you were busy napping on your daddy so I went out to spy.  I found you sitting with Grandma on the riverbank like this and my heart smiled : )

So long, riverwalk...

The afternoon was spent enjoying our resort's amazing water attractions.

Make numerous laps around the lazy river?  Don't mind if we do!

Colt, you just adored their little kids' splash park section.  Watching you dominate their tiny slides was a delight!

Grandma got to know her future "state animal" : )

Jax, you preferred the big slides and Daddy and Grandma were great sports as they rode along!

Then we all lounged in the main pool where Grandma got to play with our underwater camera.

We got cleaned up so that we could enjoy a yummy dinner away from the resort but we returned for my favorite course - dessert!!  You and Grandma could hardly keep up as I practically ran towards the fire pit...

Considering that I'd been craving some authentic s'mores for months, this was the perfect way to end my big day!  Oddly enough, Colt, you didn't even want to try them!!  

Happy Birthday to us, little man!

The next day was spent driving back to Dallas - with a little shopping trip made along the way.  Grandma then spent the day with you boys on Tuesday while Daddy worked and I went to a training.  She flew back to Indiana that evening and we've been trying to get back on schedule ever since.  

Y'all are the best gifts ever and you make my birthdays complete!

(Thanks for a good time, momma!)