Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Baby...

Dearest Colton,

Was it really just two years ago that we were speeding down the road as you threatened to make your grand appearance?  You've been doing things on your own time ever since and it's hard to remember life before you were with us.  On this birthday - and every other day of every other year - I hope you know that you are so loved.  And, in case you're wondering what you were like as a 2 year old, here are some words that come to mind:

Polite – You used manners before we even thought about teaching them to you.  You started with “Thank you” and now you also say “Please” and “Excuse you”.  Your kind words are music to my ears and your soft, “Dankuu” is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard!  The best part is that it’s always unprovoked.  As I’m handing you a drink, you’ll say, “Dankuu Mama!” or as your dad is getting you dressed you tell him, “Dankuu Dada!” 

Destructive –  Sometimes it’s inadvertent, and sometimes it seems as if on purpose, but you have destroyed many things in your short lifetime.  Just recently it’s been my expensive hair straightener (Why not the cheap one??), Daddy’s glasses, Jackson’s art projects from VBS, and our bedroom carpet.  Maybe you don’t know your own strength?  Maybe you really like things in smaller pieces?  The yuckiest of your destructive tendencies involves your diaper.  Let’s just say that we learned the hard (stinky) way that you must sleep with shorts covering your diaper or else…

Inquisitive –  You are curious about so much around you and in such unique ways.  For instance, if you are intrigued by something you hear, you cup your hands around your ears and pause as if to listen more intently.  It’s precious and it’s usually an airplane you’re hearing off in the distance.  You also love to try to get us to repeat ourselves by saying “WHAT?” to us a few times before finally mimicking whatever it is we’ve said.  Your curiosity also led you to discover the joys of markers.  We kept markers in your brother’s room for over 4 years and we never had a problem with them.  You, however, have found them in his room a few times and your most recent interaction with them caused us to move them to a much higher location.

Strong Willed – More often than not, we have to request things from you more than once.  “Colton, please come inside.” –Blank stare from you—“Colton, you have 3 seconds to come inside.  1…2…3…now.” –You begin to walk inside as slowly as possible— We’ve heard “NO!” from you more often than we ever thought possible and you’ve had your fair share of time outs and spankings.  You love to assert any bit of independence you think you can and I pray that this quality serves you well as an adult.

Loud – Since you’re still working on your language development, you sometimes think the best way to communicate with your brother is by yelling.  When you’re not happy with him, you let out a high-pitch scream that seems as if it’s meant for canines.  Luckily, it’s brief.  But, boy, do your lungs work!

Gentle – You use the gentlest touch when you’re petting Viper and Senji or when you hold your favorite baby, Kaitlyn.  You hug them softly, you kiss them lightly, and you melt my heart!  It’s so neat to see your self-control shine through as you can be running laps around the kitchen island but then you come to an abrupt halt and your entire demeanor changes just so that you can go gently love on something/someone.

Helpful – You want to be such a helper!  You help get the mail, unload the dishwasher, do the laundry, feed the dog, and brush my hair – just to name a few! 

Affectionate – You have always been such a lover!  Even as a little one, you wanted little to do with all the expensive baby equipment we owned and preferred being held instead.  That’s amazing to me that you already had that unique trait right from the start!  You are still a total cuddle bug and you can often be found in my lap or your daddy’s lap.  You are rarely on your own as you always want to be with one of us.  Now that you’re talking a bit more, you will approach us randomly and request, “Hug!”  We never turn those down as your hugs are heavenly!  You’re also a great kisser and you recently started making the kissy noise to go along with your puckers.  Right before we lay you down to sleep is probably my absolute favorite time of the day as you go back and forth from the both of us saying, “Hug mama” with a big hug and kiss for me – and then, “Hug dada” with a big hug and kiss from him and repeat!  Sometimes you’ll even rub our backs during one of your super hugs.  It’s just the best!

Handsome – People comment on your blond hair and blue eyes often and I’m not sure where those gorgeous features come from… both Daddy and I have dark hair.  But you are so cute!  I’m surprised your hair and eyes haven’t changed colors yet – and I’d be totally fine if they never did!  You have my skin tone – very fair – and just this summer you got your first patch of freckles – they go across your tiny nose.  You have your dad’s feet – especially his toes!!  You look so handsome to me!

Smart – Reading has always been a favorite of yours and I think it’s contributed to your intelligence.  You know what you want & you know how to get it & you do so without hesitation.  As the reader of the family, I hope that’s something that we always have in common.

You are the puzzle piece that we didn’t know we were missing.  
You are the pot of gold at the end of our rainbow.  
You are the cherry on top of our sundae.  
You complete us and we love you more than there are words.  
Happy 2nd Birthday, Colton James!

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