Sunday, August 26, 2012

Salt Cream

Dearest Jackson and Colton,

Tomorrow we head off in four different directions.  Daddy drives far away to his new job.  Colton, you'll be one of the "big kids" at Steph's house.  Jax, you'll be at your "big boy school".  And I'll be starting another year of first grade.  It was a nice, long, summer together and we accomplished all but one of our Summer Fun "to-do"s.  The last thing we did was make homemade ice cream together.  If I would've known how easy it was, it might have been the first activity we completed instead of the last!

Step One:  Make a silly face while we add a few ingredients to our baggies.

Step Two:  Attempt to shake the bags while laughing at Dad's technique.

Step Three:  Show ice cream to Mom before anyone is allowed to take a bite ; )

Note for next time:  Rinse the salt off the bag before opening it up or else the ice cream tastes like it came from the ocean!

Also noteworthy:  "Fly a Kite" is the one activity we didn't get around to this summer!  Windy days are harder to come by than I expected...

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