Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Dearest Jackson,

As of yesterday, our first season of double sports has come to an end.

First up, 6U baseball:

 Tyson became your closest buddy on the team this season.

Seeing you have so much fun, makes us so happy!

Coach Joby was awesome and you learned a lot from him.

Practice swings are a must before every game...

Afterwards, Grandpa was there for a congratulatory hug.


And then it was time for your final post-game wrap up.

"Hands in and Tigers on 3..."

U6 Soccer was up next: 

I still don't know much about soccer, honestly.  But I do know that you handle the ball well and are great at anticipating where the ball is going.  You totally prefer defense and your tongue always lets us know that you're focused ; )

Looks like you've passed along the tongue thing to Colton!

While you took a water break, we had our own little family soccer game on the sideline.

I love the high five tunnel made by the parents after every game!

Congratulations on two successful seasons!
We get a month long break before the next adventure begins...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

@ the Patch

Dearest Colt and Jackson,

Fall is here!  So we've wasted zero time jumping into some of my favorite traditions of the year!  We visited the pumpkin patch the first weekend they were open and our timing was perfect as the crowd was minimal.

This year was interesting as you each had your own agenda and they rarely coincided.  

The Lake Family was visiting us this weekend so props to Andy for getting some family shots!

Colt, you were not getting near the hay ride (too scary, you claimed.?.?) but we snapped this pic of Jax and Katie going past with their crazy driver!  

During their hayride, you rocked the inflatable slide...almost 100 times.

The fact that you two are the only ones on the merry-go-round is a testament to the low crowds.

Jax, you tried just about everything!  - Even the face painting, which you rarely do!

Trip #2 came for you a few days later, Jax, when your class walked to the pumpkin patch for your very first field trip.  Your teacher shared these pictures with me and it looks like you had fun!

Colt, you also got in another trip to the patch when we went back for a friend's birthday party.

Free fun?  Just down the road from home?  What could be better??

Sunday, October 13, 2013

2 down...18 to go

Dearest Jackson,

When we visited the dentist in the Spring, we were surprised when she informed us about your 2 loose teeth!  She told us that they'd probably fall out before your next dental appointment so we kept tabs on them sporadically.  While they were wiggling a bit more, I didn't think they were on the verge of falling out just yet.  Then, on Sunday the 29th, you exclaimed, "My tooth is going to fall out!"  Sure enough, during teeth brushing that night, we saw that it was well on its way out.  So I wasn't surprised when the nurse emailed me that next morning to tell me that you lost your first tooth.  

I picked you up as soon as I could that day and we went on a congratulatory ice cream date!  

You proudly left your tooth under your pillow and the tooth fairy visited you that night.  

Monday's events allowed more wiggle room for your other loose tooth and you pulled that one out in the middle of class that same week on Friday, October 4th.  Disgustingly enough, that lovely tooth is floating around your school somewhere because you misplaced it before you ever came home! 

As simple as that, those lower incisors, who were the first to make their appearance when you were just 7 months old, were the first to exit at 65 months old.

And wouldn't you know it - you have a dentist appointment tomorrow!! 

Friday, October 11, 2013


Dearest Boys,

It's been 3 whole months since your Grandma and Grandpa uprooted themselves and moved 1,000 miles away to be near y'all.  Having them nearby has been nothing but a blessing.  You've had a few sleepovers at their house and you request them frequently.  You think that sleeping together in your own room - a bedroom with a TV!! - is one of the best things ever!  The super late bedtime and pantry stocked with sugar are nice extras too ; )

They've been able to see you, Jax, in action in quite a few of your games and Grandpa has plans to teach you a few soccer skills soon.

We've had them over for dinner a few times and they've hosted us at their place as well.  At our most recent dinner, you led us in prayer, Colt.  I almost shouted "AMEN!" as you bowed your head and told God, "Thank you for this lovely family."  Well spoken, son!

Sometimes Grandma picks you up from school and you're always pleasantly surprised to see her.

She also helps by taking you to school sometimes.  She's even walked you to school once and melted my heart when she sent me this pictures of you two walking towards school together.  

All of this means that Daddy and I have gotten more time to ourselves.  
Sometimes we catch a movie together.

Sometimes we live it up with friends.

Of course, you're never far from our minds -- but it's super reassuring to know who you're with and that you're having the times of your lives!  

Praise God for this lovely family, for sure!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Let's Play Ball

Dearest Boys,

We've taken that "Let's Play Ball" mantra pretty seriously this season.  Jax, to foster your obvious love of athletics, we let you pick two sports for the fall.  You are a proud soccer Ninja and a baseball Tiger.  Your teams are quite different and you play them as such.  The Ninjas are made up of 6 little guys and you practice once a week by running around the field chasing each other.  You have 1 or 2 games each week and you've scored a few times but still seem to prefer playing defense.

(Your reaction after a goal!)

The Tigers, on the other hand, are a more serious group with an organized coach who has y'all practicing twice a week.  In addition to that, you have 1 or 2 baseball games each week.  This is the first season that is "coach pitch" and strikes/fouls/etc. are actually tracked.  You've struck out twice and have been so disappointed in yourself each time.  You bounce back quickly though and have such a great, eager to learn, attitude the whole time.  You were recently awarded the game ball (only the 2nd one of the season) for making plays as third baseman and getting powerful hits at bat!

It makes for a busy schedule but it's a lot of fun!  Now if we can just find a way to incorporate the other FOUR sports you want to play!?!?!

Colt, you've yet to get bitten by the sports bug so you tend to do anything but watch the games.  Luckily, there's always a field/playground/grandparent for you to play on nearby instead.  I sometimes feel bad that we have to drag you to game after game but I figure that this is just the stage of life we're in right now and that your time is coming.  And I so look forward to finding your niche!  Whether it be boy scouts, robotics competitions, gymnastics (not kidding - you jump around and flip all.the.time), violin lessons, dive team, whatever - we'll be your biggest fans too!