Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Outdoor Play

Dearest Boys,

Luckily, I have a coworker with boys just a few years older than you.  When her boys outgrow their things, they pass some of it down to you.  Just recently they gave you a bike without training wheels and a rolly scooter (I totally just made that name up as I have no idea what it's actually called!).

You were both so excited so we took our "new" toys to the backyard.

Jax, you had zero hangups about trying out a bike without training wheels!  Your "get 'r done" nature impresses me constantly!  Of course, Daddy started by holding on at first.

But, about a minute later, all he was doing was providing your initial push to get you going.

 And, in true Jackson fashion, you were peddling all over that yard like a pro!

Getting back up and started after a fall is still a bit tricky but you're getting better and better.

However, I must confess that we haven't let you take to the street yet.....I'm just not ready for the serious spills and owwies yet!

Meanwhile, Colt, you hopped on the rolly scooter (that's what we're calling it, right?) and hand-cranked your way around the pool!  And looked precious doing so, I must say!

Have I mentioned how much I love our backyard??

Monday, May 27, 2013

Baseball Wrap Up

Dearest #5,

Your career as an Astro has come to a close.  You had another great season in baseball and you're already talking about playing again in the Fall!  Your team was an interesting bunch but y'all seemed to have fun.  I've already blogged about a few games over the course of this season -- but here are a few more pictures I want to share:

Team Photo Day.  Getting everyone to pose for this group picture was liking watching a commercial for Ritalin.  This was the same day that you were awarded with Player of the Game!

Seeing you play catcher was one of my proudest moments!  It's a new position as 4U doesn't include it but you took to it like a natural.  Even your coach inquired, "Who taught you how to do that?"  

The post-game high-fives are always adorable!

We'll just assume that you nailed that ball!  ; )

This was your assistant coach this year.

I love your focus and determination.  Here, you're on third and anxious to get to home plate!

A dug out full of five-year-old boys can easily be mistaken for a circus.

Last weekend, your team celebrated a great season with a cook-out.

Trophies were awarded and your coach had so many nice things to say about you!

As Colton would proudly yell from the stands, "Great job, Bubba!"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Birthday to everyone!

Dearest Boys,

We just wrapped up the Spring party season.  It seems like so many of your friends have Spring birthdays!  Just within the last month we've celebrated -

Ava's 6th Birthday at an indoor pool

Kohen's 2nd Birthday at The Ark

(Super cute cake to remember for future reference!)

And this weekend we jumped around for Logan's 5th Birthday at the trampoline park!

Even Mommy and Daddy got in on the action as we hired a babysitter on Saturday and went to the Vaughn's house to celebrate Justin's aging process!  Justin and his buddies stayed outside on the patio all night, but some of the ladies got together for a quick picture -

Birthdays are fun, fun, fun!  And you boys are lucky, lucky, lucky to have friends to share them with!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Officially 5!

Dearest Jackson David,

If the birthday party, new responsibilities  and recent well-visit to your pediatrician weren't enough to make me admit that you're 5 now -- then today's Kindergarten registration really did the trick!  It's all so official.  You ARE 5 and soon you will be a Kindergartner!  There, I said it.

It's been a great year for you and it's been filled with a lot of new things!  From your first season of soccer to your first year of pre-school, you  accomplished a lot while you were 4.   Instead of going through the thousands of pictures I've taken of you in the last year, I'm just going to use a sampling from my i-Phone.  

You graduated to a booster seat this year.  Now you can buckle yourself up and I think you love the independence!

You traveled a bit this year.  First, to Florida for a trip to Disney World and the beach.  Later, up to Indiana where you took in your first Colts game!  You are still quite athletic and you'll watch just about any sport.  Daddy loves to watch racing and you'll sit right beside him for the longest time watching it too.

School was a huge deal this year!  You were in the "Owls" class and your teachers were Ms. Salazar and Mrs. Green.  I think it was a huge adjustment for you going from just a few best friends at Steph's house to a room full of various personalities.  You have learned so much this year and I think your school has a lot to do with that.  You can write your name with the correct letter formation.  You recognize almost every letter and know most of their sounds.  You are developing an interest in reading independently and you still love hearing a story.  Most impressive to me is your mathematical ability.  You can count all the way to 100 and can do many basic addition problems in your head.  (Sums greater than about 14 seem to trick you.)  

Here you were on the first day of school, about ready to walk in the doors for the first time....but your backpack hadn't arrived in the mail yet!

A few days later...sitting by your locker...with your cool, robot, backpack!

Along with school, came homework and at-home projects.  We used seashells from our beach trip to decorate this snowman for one project.

You're still a lover of baths...

and Daddy's stories...

and sunbursts!  (Or I just really like this picture of us...)

You would still stay outside all day long, if allowed....

You now rock the dental visits...

And you remain the best brother I could've ever imagined for Colton!

Your personality is so unique.  You take things in and think things through.  You act goofy with only your closest friends and tend to become shy in other scenes.  You are genuine, caring, and inquisitive.  You think every boo-boo needs an ice pack but you never pout for long.  You rarely play with toys and prefer sports equipment or a movie instead.  I could go on and on forever but I'll wrap up with an impromptu email we received from this season's baseball coach.  He said, "Jackson is a joy to coach.  He is a rare combination at his age, courteous, attentive, good learner, great at baseball, and most importantly, he seems to have fun at it and with the other kids.  Let me know if you need a letter of recommendation for College."  I thought that was so sweet of him and that he was pretty spot-on about you!

We went for your well-visit this week and they took your blood pressure for the first time.  It was 104/65 and I'm praying that you never have my blood pressure issues!  Of course, they also weighed and measured you.  You gained almost 6 lbs this year and you now weigh 44 lbs, 2 oz!  That keeps you in the 75th percentile.  You've only grown 2 inches though as you stand at 3 feet 9 inches tall.  You still top the height charts (90th percentile), which explains why you've outgrown all of your clothes.  You now need 6T in most things (although we have to majorly cinch the waistlines!).

You were amazing at 4 and I know you'll be even better at being 5!  
I am blessed to experience life with you  and through you.  
Your Daddy and I love you more than you know!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Dearest Boys,

The selling feature for this house was its large yard and pool.  As soon as we stepped foot in the backyard, I envisioned the two of you out there running, jumping, splashing, and swimming.  I also thought of how awesome it would be to finally have a place to host friends and family.  Before you conjure up some crazy ideas, I do want to defend our old house.  While it was a lovely home, the backyard reached maximum capacity at around 9 people.  It was a good .17 of an acre but I was so ready for more.  (How greedy do I sound right now??)  

So we've been taking full advantage of our new surroundings and I think we've hosted friends every weekend since we've moved in.  

First, it was the Vaughns.  They came over right away and we barely had furniture to sit on much less an unpacked camera so I have no photographic evidence of our get together.

Next, it was Deanna & Kristy.  And I wish I would've found that camera because I think the 6 of us sitting on the ground in the backyard would've made for a sweet forever-memory.  (We still hadn't purchased furniture so we all found ourselves plopped in the grass instead.)  

Then we had the Lawsons and the Baileys over and I just knew I wasn't going to let another photo-opp pass me by!

You and Jacob and Logan started by just putting your feet in...

Then you said you were just going to stand on the step of the spa...

Well, I went inside to finish dinner and - the next thing I know - the oldest boys were all swimming in their clothes!
We wrapped y'all in towels and enjoyed dinner outside that night.

Bill & Norma were also dinner guests one evening but we all stayed in the kitchen that night.  I still should've taken a picture though because we certainly won't be seeing them as often as we used to!  

Most recently, we had the Wrenns and the Haryckis over.  Parker came with the intention to swim and he was ready with swimsuit in hand!  Of course, you thought this was the best idea ever, Jackson! 

Until you felt the water!!!
(We hadn't turned on the heater yet so it was about 71 degrees!)

Colt, you just splashed "a little bit"  ; )

Brandie started serving the delicious cake she brought so everyone dried off quickly!

Jax, you remained shivering in my lap for a while 

Then Doug and Cory cleaned it all up!!!!  WOOT!

We're taking the next few weeks off and giving the house a rest...but I fully intend to back at it this summer!  Bring on the pool parties!!