Sunday, May 29, 2011


Dearest J & C,

We learned from yesterday's sweatventure and decided on indoor activities today.  After church, lunch, and naps we went to a putt-putt place for your first game.  You have a plastic set at home, so you already had your form down to a science...but a real ball and club put a fun spin on things!

But this money pit play land had much more than just putt-putt...
There were rides on robotic animals,
a trampoline,
and another train!!

There was even a soft play place for you, Senor Colton!

Have I mentioned how much fun the two of you are???

Saturday, May 28, 2011

102 at the Zoo

Dearest Colton & Jackson,

As much as I don't like change, I love trying new things.  And that's why we drove an hour up north today just to take y'all to a zoo.  Colton, this was your first zoo experience.  Jackson, this was your first time at *this* zoo, so that made it special.  Now, considering that you never know what you're going to get when you try new stuff and combine that with the fact that I'm not a big fan of caged animals outside of their natural habitats - this had the potential of being a dud.  But it wasn't!!  I was pleasantly surprised and I have more than enough pictures to prove it : )

I love how close we could get to the giraffes!
You wanted an even closer look at the camel!
Daddy was there to make sure you didn't get *too* close ; )
You dug the views from your own personal shade, Colt.
The zoo had food for feeding their goats...and, my favorite part, a handwashing station right outside!
I loved hearing you "read" to me about the animals!
Not quite as tall as a black bear...
In what is quickly becoming a tradition, we had to ride on the train...
and you liked the ride, too, Colton!
Then, it was off to play at a super fun playground across the street from the zoo!
And wouldn't you know it - a train was one of the first things you found!

Colt, you were content to watch from a bench.
We were all a sweaty mess when we finally loaded up the van - which is what happens when you tour the zoo and it's 102!!  And that brings us to another first for you Colton, your first Texas summer.  Oh, boy!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The one where very little clothing is worn

Dearest Jackson & Colton,

Our night time routine is pretty consistent around here.  It's almost a guarantee that Toy Story will be requested immediately after baths.  Jackson, you will watch enthusiastically from your special spot and giggle at the same jokes regardless if you just heard it the previous night.
Colton, you will wind up in hysterics as well -
simply because your brother laughed.
Then, you will streak across the couch to avoid even looking at the diaper. 
One of us then takes you to your room and rocks you during your final bottle. 

Jax, you then watch a few more minutes of your movie before we call it a night.  Daddy does one last tickle fest before we take you back to bed where stories are read and kisses are exchanged. 

It's our "thing", ya know?  We've done it this way for so long and I simply love it. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Dearest Jackson,

Sometimes I wish I could just have a tape recorder tucked away in a pocket of yours and have it permanently recording.  You are at such a fun age as you come up with some of the darnest things to say!  Just a few that I want to remember:

First of all, your praises are too precious - "Good job, mommy!", "Yay, Colton!", and "Good throw, Daddy!" are just a few we hear. 

"It's not funny."  You say this with the most serious of tones anytime Daddy or I laugh at something that you don't like.  For instance, Senji likes to give Colton BIG kisses and it makes us laugh.  You are very protective of Colton though and let us know that "It's not funny!"

"Are we going to go to the party?"  Between birthdays and graduations, your social calendar has been filled with parties for the last few months and they're just commonplace to you now.  You check in almost daily to see which one we'll be going to next. 

"We don't touch the stove." you say while shaking your head.  Unfortunately, you learned this one the hard way a few weeks ago as your little fingers landed on a burner that was still hot.  Fortunately, you seem to have learned your lesson because you now remind us often to stay away because it's hot.

"One time we took our clothes off and went to the airport."  HAHAHA!  I don't know where this came from because we did no such thing but you told me this twice tonight - which is what prompted me to do this blog post.  Maybe you have vivid dreams?  Maybe you're just thinking about the security point where we take our shoes off?  I'm not sure...but I do know that I love chatting with you and I look forward to many more special talks : )

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On the move...

Dearest Colton,

Within a week's time you have mastered the traditional crawl - no more awkward hump, scoot, roll action.  In a true test of your abilities, you've quickly moved on to the traditional pull-and-stand. 

"That looks like fun up there!"

"Here I come..."

"Hello, little action figures!"

"You will be mine!"


While you make me such a proud momma, you also make me want to turn back time! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

It's raining, it's pouring

Dearest Jax,

Even the sky was sad after Grandma left because it has rained off and on since she left.  Daddy had to go unclog the gutters so you took that as an opportunity to play outside.  You got your very own umbrella a few months ago and this was your first time to actually use it (appropriately) -

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Grandma M.

Dearest Jackson & Colt,

A stressful anniversary dinner led us to make a phone call that we’ve never made before.  It only took one call to Grandma M. and she had a flight booked.  She arrived on Thursday afternoon and we spent the entire day together on Friday.  We took you boys to the pediatrician and then Grandma & I treated ourselves to a spa pedicure.  Then it was time for Grandma to get you all to herself!!  As great as baby sitters are, nothing compares to leaving you boys in the trusted hands of a grandparent.  While you boys had your first stay alone with Grandma, Dad & I enjoyed a few “firsts” of our own:

First Couples Massage –
Lucky for you, no pictures were taken of this.  You can just imagine it instead – lights down low, soft music playing, and us laying on our individual massage tables giggling as we joked with our masseuses.  That was the fastest hour ever and we both left feeling super refreshed! 

First Drive-In Movie –
If this weren’t over an hour away, we’d take you boys here all the time!  Laying back in the seat + windows down + wind blowing through our my hair + people watching + talking through a movie without disturbing others =!

First Over Night Stay Away –
While I admit that we talked about you often and thought of you even more, we thoroughly enjoyed sleeping!  We slept in until 9:00 and we probably could’ve slept for longer if it weren’t for…

First* Segway Tour –
We booked a morning tour of the fabulous Big D and it involved touring via segway.  *Now, Daddy had actually operated one before as he and Andy did some short try-out of one way back when - But this tour was an hour and a half long so I will count it as a “first”.  We learned so much history but had fun at the same time! 

We rushed home after lunch because we were anxious to see you & because I wanted to spend some time with Grandma for Mother's Day.  Jax, unfortunately, you were not feeling too hot by the time we got home.  You were battling something yucky and had spiked a fever.  Grandma played nurse as she took care of you all day Monday while Daddy & I worked.  And, since I still haven't found the secret word to keep her here, Grandma returned home on Monday night.  Despite a little sickness, I still think y'all had a blast with her!  There were shopping trips filled with way more presents than necessary - about 4 different types of sports practices - picnics in the bedroom - and even a birthday celebration for a friend!  Only a few fun moments were captured on Grandma's camera but I'm thankful for these memories nonetheless:

Monday, May 9, 2011

75th percentile

Dearest Colton & Jackson,
This picture doesn’t do justice to how big you boys are getting.  You each had a well-visit on Friday and I was surprised by your measurements. 
Jax, you are now 38 ½ inches tall and weigh 34 pounds.  Considering your appetite, I thought you’d weigh a little less.  According to the charts, you are in the 75th percentile for both height and weight.
Colt, you are now 29 inches tall and weigh 20 lbs 11 oz.  Considering your appetite, I thought you’d be a lot heavier!  According to the charts, you are also in the 75th percentile! 
Two needles made their appearances at Friday’s visit.  The first was for a finger poke on you, Colton.  They took some blood to check for anemia.  You handled it like a champ and your blood work came out perfectly!  Then it was time for 1 vaccine for you, Jax, and you wanted n-o-t-h-i-n-g to do with it.  I hovered over you – partly to keep you from running and also to prevent you from seeing what was coming – and I about lost it myself when you let out a blood curdling scream!  Thankfully, there’s another year before the next one J
One of things I repeatedly praise God for is that you boys are healthy.  My heart smiles as your pediatrician checks you out and uses words like, “Looks great!” and “Perfect!”

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

9 months!

Dearest Colton,
How appropriate that April was the busiest month we’ve had in a while as it was also your most progressive month so far!  While you aren’t completely crawling yet, you can get from one side of a room to the other in a matter of seconds!  You have this odd Army crawl, scoot, roll maneuver that seems to be working well for you.  We often let you play on the floor when we’re watching television and your first destination is always to the equipment under the television.  Your daddy claims that it’s the engineer inside of you : )
Your sleep habits only seem to be getting worse and we’re just dumbfounded.  Morning naps are completely out of the question these days and your afternoon nap is about 30-45 minutes long.  Some claim that it’s just your style.  And I would be total accepting of that if you made it through the day on just 30-45 minutes worth of napping.  But you don’t.  You get very crabby at the end of the day when you haven’t slept well and that tells me that you should be sleeping more during the daytime.  Adding to our confusion is the fact that you take both a morning and an afternoon nap for Ms. Stephanie – and she has to wake you up from your nap!!!  I will definitely be asking your pediatrician about this at your checkup in a few days!  In better sleeping news, you still sleep 11 straight hours during the night!!!

You have another tooth coming through – the lower right incisor!  Which brings me to my next point:  No, I don’t want you to be a girl.  And, no, I’m not a hippy.  But I’ve been asked recently simply because you’re wearing a necklace.  It’s a teething necklace made from amber and you’ve been wearing it for the last few weeks as we attempt to help you with the pains from your new teeth.  Amber is a natural analgesic and, when worn on the skin, it releases healing oils.  Unfortunately, you can’t tell me if it’s helping or not.  Even if it’s not helping, it sure does look cute on you and you aren’t bothered by it one bit.  Dad & I aren’t big fans of medication, which is why we’re trying this instead.  Other teething remedies around our house have included wet wash cloths, frozen waffles, and your brother’s arms.  Unlike your brother (who once woke up with 4 brand new teeth!), you seem to cut teeth slowly so you could be sporting this style for awhile. 
Those teeth, combined with a few other factors, contributed to us weaning this week.  Today is the first day that you haven’t nursed with me and this is just plain difficult.  It’s hard both physically and emotionally and I pray that it’s the best decision for us.  You will now get 4 formula bottles per day (@ 7am, 11am, 3pm, and 7pm) and you basically feed yourself as you can now hold the bottles without our help.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t take the opportunity to rock you while giving you a bottle.  That time to me is just precious!   
This update wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention the lovely sounds that you’re learning to make.  You are such a talker – especially in the car – and you talk to your brother more than anyone else.  We hear “dadada” and “mum” from you often but you say all sorts of things to Jackson.  I love when we’re riding in the car and you two will be talking and then Jackson will start laughing and exclaim, “Did you hear that?  He said ‘gaga da ba uh’.  What a goofball!”  Ms. Steph even said that you tell her “E-e-e-e!” when you see your lunch! 
Even with my whining about your sleep habits, I hope you can tell what a joy you are!  We are so in love with your drooly grin, blue eyes, and pudgy belly!