Thursday, October 30, 2014


Dearest Ninja Turtles,

You are both fans of the show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and, as soon as you mentioned them as a costume idea, we ran out and bought them - so you couldn't change your minds!

You got to wear your costumes for the first time this past weekend during the Monster Mile in Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood. I went with y'all this year and enjoyed the simplicity of the concept: walk along the sidewalk while collecting candy and greeting various characters. 

Jax, your mask lasted about 17 seconds before you were done with it.  Colt, yours stayed on through the first character meet-n-greet, who happened to be a fellow turtle:

While getting candy and wearing costumes was super fun, your favorite part was spending the night with Grandpa and Grandma afterwards!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Patch '14

Dearest Colton and Jax,

Traditions are still alive and well in our family but they look a lot different now than when they first began. 

The first time we went to the pumpkin patch, I marked the date on the calendar, picked out your outfit in preparation for the fun, and then took 182 pictures once we were there.

(Evidence:  October 2008)

(Evidence:  October 2009)
(Evidence:  October 2010)

Things went down much differently this year.  For starters, I had no idea when we would visit the pumpkin patch.  We pass it a few times each week and you two would always ask when we'd get to go.  I'd answer you truthfully each time, "When we have a free night and all four of us are home."  Secondly, matched outfits were the last thing on my mind.  And, lastly, photography was kept at a minimum this year. 

So we ended up going after school one day last week, on a whim, in your clothes from that day -- and it was awesome!  Low crowds, the setting sun, and nothing to rush off to afterwards.  **Remember this for the future, Tiffany!! (Don't be alarmed when Mommy talks to herself, boys.)

 For the ONE shot I did really want, I managed to forget how to focus!

And this is what I get when I zoom in and ask y'all to try once more for me...

Since I didn't like the picture above, I asked y'all to pose on some pumpkins.

Jax, you took the posing idea to mocking level and I laughed while snapping this one!

 I could do this for another 10 years or so...please indulge me ; )

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Dearest Boys,

Your elementary school hosted a festival last weekend to benefit one of their Kindergarten teachers who was in a terrible car accident over the summer.  The planning committee really outdid themselves as there was a rock climbing wall, bounce houses, plenty of games, vendors, food, etc.  The most impressive part was the silent auction though.  There were 300 items donated and $40,000 was raised for the family! 

It was a fun way to end our busy day!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

1st grade field trip

Dearest Jackson,

You went on your 1st field trip as a 1st grader last week.  I was picked as one of the chaperones and we were both anxious to spend the day together!  We left for Green Meadows Farm bright and early.  Bus services aren't available to us (since we live within walking distance of the school) so you were pumped for the ride!  I had a seat to myself while you got to ride in front of me.

Your class
And then there was my group.  Six, very energetic, little boys.

 You knocked my socks off with your gentlemanly ways!  "Can I help you carry something, Mom?"  Yes, dear.  I SO appreciate your helpfulness!

I learned that farm animals aren't really your thing (maybe if they were dribbling a soccer ball, perhaps?) and you can see your hesitation in this picture -

 The smaller ones that didn't make sudden movements were more your style.

On the way out, you each got to pick out a pumpkin to take home.

 Then we got to eat together at a park. 

The park was situated next to Joe Pool Lake and had a great playground!

Despite the looks of it, I don't *think* you're double jointed.

 I took one last picture before we got back on the buses - and it ended up being my favorite. 

  I liked watching you step out of your comfort zone.  
I loved seeing you amongst your peers that day.
 I enjoyed making another fun memory with you.

(But I totally needed a nap when we got home and I slept for over an hour!)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The past few weeks in a tiny nutshell

Dearest Jackson & Colt,

Updating our corner of the web has been the last thing on my mind recently.  Honestly, these days I'm just trying to remember to buy groceries, finish the laundry, and tidy up every now and then.  Although pictures have been few and far between, take my word for it when I say that we've been livin' la vida loca lately.  Here's a photo dump off the few times I have thought to slow down...

A few weekends ago, we took in the Plano Balloon Festival. 

 Colt, you quickly finish the homework you're assigned and then beg for more.  
So I added some Kindergarten workbooks to your coloring book bin and you eat them up!

Maybe that's part of the reason we get notes like this on your daily report?  
(P.S.  Today's said, "Colton is awesome!  He can now read his color words and number words 1-9!")

When you're not doing homework, you're happy to paint.

 The soccer coach wants his players at the games quite, Colt, you and I usually wait in the car until game time to avoid the hot sun as long as possible.  You come sit up front with me and things typically get silly.


One of my favorite parts about The Tigers is the sweet group of "little brothers" who play together at every game. 

 Hey, look, Jax!  You're here too!  ; )
Most recently, we went to the Open House at the Fire Department. 

 And, proof that we aren't away from home *every* waking hour of the day -- I had to snap a picture of y'all working together on the e-reader. 

This has been just a small glimpse into our world lately.  If you can't tell, y'all make it so much fun!