Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dear Jackson and Colton,
2011 was a confusing year.  While we adjusted to life as a family of four, we spent a lot of time in prayer over some major life decisions.  We both felt God preparing us for change but we couldn’t (still can’t, actually) pinpoint where that change (those changes?) need to happen.
We thought the change was coming in the way of a new house.  We did a lot of prep work to put our house on the market and then it sat there for 6 whole months without receiving a single offer.  This was the most exhausting chapter of 2011 and we’re not sure when to reopen this book.
We also felt called to new jobs.  I was blessed with a transfer to a new school while your dad is back into the groove at his job and now feels like staying for a while longer.
Thinking that maybe our change was supposed to be a spiritual one, we began attending a new church in September.  While we loved their worship style, we weren’t impressed with what they had to offer you boys so it’s back to the drawing board there, too.
I know that you boys won’t even remember the year 2011 but I will.  More than all the uncertainty mentioned above, I will remember it as the year that you two became best friends.  I’ll remember it as another year of fabulous health and happiness.  I’ll remember it as a year of extreme growth.  We are all so different from January and I know we’re ready for a fabulous 2012! 

Happy New Year!!


Dear Jackson and Colt,

I really like traditions and I'm not even sure why.  Even when your dad and I were dating, we would talk about the traditions that we'd like to do with our future family.  Living in one of the largest cities in the US, there is a ton of stuff I enjoy doing around the metroplex -- but these are a few at-home favorites for this time of year:

Holiday Stories -- wrap each book and put them in a special spot.  Then, have someone unwrap one book each night leading up to Christmas and read it together.  Thanks to some fabulous gift givers, we almost have enough books to read one every night from Thanksgiving through Christmas!!

Another tradition is putting up the "memory tree" together and sharing stories that go along with the ornaments as we hang them.  In my "forever home", I plan to have trees galore - 4, 5, or maybe even 6 trees - but, I think the tree that holds our memory ornaments will always be my favorite.  The ornaments are actually a tradition of their own.

Baking and decorating cookies for Santa is a fun activity to do each year!

Not pictured, but equally as fun is watching Christmas movies together.  You boys are still a little young to sit through full-length movies - but, when the day comes, we will totally be snuggling up with a few...Polar Express, Christmas Vacation, Elf, Home Alone, Miracle on 34th Street...

Checking the mail & displaying the cards!!!  I get seriously giddy when we get a stack of cards in the mail!  Someone recently told me that they pray for each family as they receive a card from them and I thought that was delightful -- might be a new spin to add to this tradition.

Another non-pictured tradition is Christmas Eve service at church.  Daddy and I liked to attend the last service of the evening at our "home church" back in Indiana.  They would dim the lights as we stood singing in candlelight and the energy in the sanctuary was moving every time.  For now, we take you boys to the Children's Service and candles are safely kept out of reach ; )

Last, but not least, is the tradition of giving you matching pajamas on Christmas Eve.  I think y'all look absolutely adorable as you run around like twins on Christmas day. 

I hope you remember these fun times fondly.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Dearest Boys,

Another good thing about having the whole week off together was that we got to celebrate a momentous occasion - Daddy's 30th Birthday!!!  His special day started by us letting him sleep in until 8:30.  We woke him up by bringing him breakfast in bed complete with the "Happy Birthday" song.  After that, we had him open presents while watching your favorite show (Phineas & Ferb) together. 

Then we took him to the hobby store so that he could have a little birthday shopping spree.  Afterwards, we took him to lunch and then went home for a big, family, nap.  Ms. Deanna came over to babysit you boys so that I could take Daddy out on a date that evening.  It was a special day for a special man.  You boys should feel pretty special as well since he's yours.  On his 30th birthday, here are 30 reasons that your dad rocks:

1.  He prays for you.
2.  He prays with you.
3.  He is smart.
4.  He is a hard worker.
5.  He shares his ice cream with you.
6.  He pushes you on the swings.
7.  He pitches you the ball.
8.  He lets you ride on his shoulders.
9.  He sings silly songs while changing your diapers.
10.  He reads books to you.
11.  He assembles your toys.
12.  He reassembles the toys you manage to take apart.
13.  He takes you to church.
14.  He pulls you in the cart behind his bike.
15.  He plays “don’t shake the baby/big boy” after bath time.
16.  He cooks food with your tastes in mind.
17.  He picks restaurants with “play areas”.
18.  He keeps your air filters clean.
19.  He gives thoughtful answers to your questions.
20.  He shows you how to be a loving husband.
21.  He lets you be his assistants on house projects.
22.  He calls you on the telephone when he’s on a business trip.
23.  He skypes with you on the computer when he’s on a long business trip.
24.  He is proud of you.
25.  He tells you he loves you at least once a day.
26.  He plans for your future.
27.  He “steals” extra hugs and kisses during your bedtime rituals.
28.  He brags about you to others.
29.  He is your ultimate wrestling opponent.
30.   He was picked by God to be your dad!

So excited for the next 30 years!!!

Northpark Trains

Dearest Colton & Jax,

All four of us have spent this week together at home and it has been pure delight!  We've had so much quality time together and we've done a few things that we hadn't done before.  One of those things was visiting the trains at Northpark.  We saw over 1,600 feet of track as the trains made their way through places like San Francisco, Washington D.C., and - of course - Dallas. 

We were pleasantly surprised to run into Brody and Kate on the way in to see the trains!

You three were very interested in spotting your favorite characters on the train cars.

Colt, you had a great view in Daddy's arms.

My personal favorite was the recreation of our State Fair.

Add it to my list of things I like to do with you : )

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day

Dearest Boys,

A playdoh puppy rests beside the keyboard while I type this.  New books cover the coffee table.  A toy microphone is laying across the Woody doll on the floor as they probably just finished a loud concert of mixed up Christmas carols.  And it makes me smile because it represents the magic that took place in this room on Christmas day.  You two were spoiled with goodies and, even though we forgot to leave out our milk and cookies, Santa was sure to stop at our house.

Y'all slept in until 7:30 and we cuddled in bed until 8:00.  That's when we finally broke the news that Santa visited!  I think all four of us ran to the tree at that point : )

You both went straight for the train table and were in awe that Santa knew how to build train tracks!

Then you found the scooter and had to take a test run through the house

Jax, you tore right into those presents and knew exactly what to do!

Colt, you needed a little more guidance but you're figuring it out.

We were unwrapping until 9:00 when we realized how hungry we all were.  Breakfast consisted of pecan rolls and candy and we were too busy stuffing our faces to take pictures.

At 10:00, we turned on the computer and finished up our presents via Skype.

After all was said and done we just let you boys have at it as you played with as many things as you could before lunch time.

When naptime rolled around, we each took advantage of it!  We finished up our day next door with Bill, Norma, and Mitchell eating steaks, playing games, and laughing - a lot (like always).

It was a fabulous day and the only thing missing was having our extended family here.  While computer dates and phone calls are great, nothing compares to the real thing.  So I'll warn you now, my loves - for me, Christmas is you.  Go ahead and pencil us in for the next 50 years or so - Daddy & I will be there (wherever that may be) for Christmas.  I hope you're reading this less as a threat and more as a promise : )

You boys are the best gifts we've ever been given and we love you to the moon and back!

Monday, December 26, 2011

'Twas the 48 hours before Christmas

Dearest Colton & Jackson,

We fit in a few last minute memories before Santa's visit...

We went back to the Gaylord - but instead of going to their ICE exhibit - we just strolled around looking at all the decorations we didn't have time to see previously.

We also did a little Christmas craft!

And we received a special email from Santa Claus with a video message

You found out that you were on the "nice list"!  Whew!  ; )

Not pictured above are shopping trips - one with mommy as we shopped for daddy's presents and one with daddy to shop for mommy, a fun Christmas Eve service at church, and catching snowflakes on our tongues during this winter's first flurry.

Friday, December 23, 2011

parties, presents, and pajamas

Dearest Boys,

You make this season come alive!  Every holiday activity we do together makes y'all giddy and your excitement is contagious as I watch you try to take it all in.

Our week started when all of Ms. Steph's families got together at her house to give her our present and it was precious to have all her "babies" together - even your 3 buddies who are now at preschool. 

A fourth friend is going off to preschool next month so you're now her oldest kiddo.  It won't be long before it's your turn and that is unbelievable!

We went to Daddy's work party where you boys made laps through every hallway, cubicle, and copy room in the building.  I worked up a sweat keeping up with you two so the camera barely caught any of the fun - but there was food, games, and a movie on the big screen!

One of the games was "Sackers"

And then you finally took a rest at Daddy's conference table!

We also made sure to find time for our 2nd (annual?) carriage ride

And, in what I hope becomes a forever tradition, we got into our pajamas and drove through the local neighborhoods admiring their decorations.  Jax, you were on the hunt for "Santa balloons" and could spot them from a mile away.  Colt, you babbled nonstop so I think you were a fan of it all.  We didn't drive far but these were our favorites of the ones we saw -

But then we noticed that the Santa spotting came to a halt.  Because someone...

Colt, you could've kept going long into the night though!