Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Dearest J & C,

You, and about 500 others, packed into church on Sunday for a fabulous Easter service.  Our typical attendance is around 200 so it was neat to worship with such a large crowd.  Although I may not agree with the reasoning behind why some people only attend church on select Sundays, I can understand their desire to be in the Lord's house on Easter morning. 

This is a tricky stage of life as you, Colton, are obviously too young to even begin to comprehend such a special celebration.  On the other hand, you, Jackson are inquisitive.  I tried to explain the story of Jesus but your "Why, Mommy?" phase overwhelmed me.  I pray that you never stop asking though.  Questioning leads to learning and there's so much we want to teach you.

Speaking of questioning - quite a few people asked, "What did the Easter Bunny bring you?" as soon as we saw them at church. 


We decided not to really "go there" so you had no clue what they were talking about.  Instead, we had some surprises set up for you later in the day.  Y'all had just come inside from a long walk with Daddy and he was sprawled out on the floor below me as I tried to take this picture.  Although you were digging on your treats, you were both too busy watching Daddy to oblige me with a picture.  Thanks, anyway ; )

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fort Worth

Dearest Jackson & Colton,
We played “tourist” on Saturday as we ventured around Fort Worth.  Although it’s only about 45 minutes away, neither of you had been there before.  We started our adventure with a mini-train ride along the river. 

Jackson, you took in every sight and sound that you could.  Even when I bribed you with water, you couldn't be bothered to pose for a picture on the train!

Colton, you were held on our laps the entire time - so, of course, you enjoyed yourself.  You were all smiles before, during, and after the ride!

Since we were in Fort Worth, we knew we had to show you boys around the famous stockyards.  We didn't have too much to show you though considering that Dad & I had only been there once before...

You and a pony had a quick (one-sided) conversation about why he had to be tied up to this contraption. 
((You are your mother's son, as I didn't like it either.))

Determined to get a great shot before the day was through, I asked you to give me a smile and this is what I got:

Looks like our next adventure should be to the mall to buy you some bigger shirts, Jax ; )

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Birthday's Events

Dearest Jackson,

It's as if you knew that your party and your actual birthday were on two different dates, because you kept referencing another celebration in the days that followed your party.  Sure enough, 5 days after your party, we had a night filled with Jackson themed events. 

We let you be the one to check the mail as soon as Daddy brought you home from school.  You were thrilled to find a present in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa M!

But the news only got better as you brought your package into the kitchen and were greeted by balloons and a table filled with even more gifts!!

You proudly showed off your new Toy Story DVD from Grandma & Grandpa R.

I love that I captured the excitement on your face as you discovered that your gift from us was Buzz Lightyear!

Then, we all ate your favorite meal - PB&J with potato chips.  And we topped off our tummies with your favorite dessert - cupcakes! 

In keeping with your favorites, we ended the night by playing extra long in the bathtub and watching Toy Story together on the couch.

As your favorite tv characters would say - What a Great Day!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

3 Big Years

Dearest Jackson,

How is it that you’re already 3?  When you turned 2, I remember thinking, “Two is still little.  But 3, now that’s a big boy.”  And, yes, you are such a big boy now that you’re 3 but you are also still very much my baby.  It’s unfortunate that you won’t remember much from this age because I think you are extraordinary!  I want you to know all of the neat things you’re doing and saying at this age but I’d have to type for days to accomplish that.  Even narrowing it down to just the “big stuff” is an overwhelming task but I’ll give it a shot:
Three big deals:
1.  Becoming a brother – You have loved Colton from the moment you met him!  You are an amazing big brother and I’m already in awe of the relationship you two have.

2.  Potty training – In retrospect, this was an easy process with you.  It was like a switch flipped sometime in January, and you were just ready to go.  You had a few accidents (only 1 accident in the middle of the night!!! – WOW!) but caught on quickly.  You are now so potty trained, in fact, that you don’t even tell us you’re going.
3.  Your memory - We are amazed by you daily!  Just the other day you reminded us of the time we rode the train in our pajamas (which was over 4 months ago!).  You've learned SO much in the last year!  You can now count to 20 in English and to 10 in Spanish.  You can name about 8 different colors in English and almost that many in Spanish.  You can say the alphabet and know the sounds of a few letters.  We're now working on recognizing letters so that we can start writing them soon! 
Three favorite movies:
1.  Toy Story
2.  Toy Story 2
3.  Toy Story 3
These are really the only movies that have yet to hold your attention.  You ask for Buzz or Woody quite often and you will sit through almost the entire movie with eyes glued to the action!  I oblige you for selfish reasons as watching a movie usually includes cuddling with you on the couch!
Three favorite foods:
1.  Peanut Butter & Jelly
2.  Pizza
3.  Turkey Sausage
People claim that you’re just a normal kid, but I think you’re a picky eater.  You wrinkle your nose at almost any meal put in front of you.  Vegetables are a near impossibility unless I hide them in your food and you prefer dipping every food group in ketchup. 
Three favorite friends:
1.  Colton! – I literally cried the first time I heard, “Colton is my best friend.”  He is the first person you hug every morning and you literally knock him over with your kisses!  You two have giggle fits in the back seat that make my heart melt.  I pray that he stays atop this list forever!
2.  Ava – Not only is she in your class, but she’s also your teacher’s daughter.  After questioning you about your day, there are times it seems that it’s just the two of you there as everything is Ave this and Ava that.  You even shared a kiss!!  Oh, to be a fly on the wall at your daycare...with a camera!
3.  Brody & Kate – You ask about these two buddies at least once a week, “Are we going to Brody & Kate’s house?” or “We eat dinner with Brody & Kate?” and I think they’re the only reason you go to church.
Three favorite activities:
1.  Playing ball – any activity, any ball, any time! 
2.  Running errands – You ask us, “Are we going to the store?” anytime there’s a break in our schedule.
3.  Bath time – You would play in there for hours, if we’d let you.  Your preferred toys are the pirate boat and your Toy Story figures.

Three favorite books:
1. The Children's Song Book – This was a Christmas present to you this year and you now know almost every song in the book.  When allowed only 3 songs, you pick “Workin’ On The Railroad,” “All Around the Mulberry Bush,” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
2.  Where the Wild Things Are – This was also a Christmas present and you’ve recently started asking for it  nightly!  And, honestly, I do not like this book.  I don’t like the illustrations or the writing style and I hope this book’s phase is almost over. 
3.  Bear on a Bike – I checked this book out from my school’s library and I’m SO glad I did!  You love this story and it has a pattern to it that’s so easy to follow that you now read the book to us!  You can read it cover to cover only asking for help with a few words (You aren’t actually “reading”, you’ve just memorized the story.) and your dad and I literally listen to you with tears in our eyes. 
Truly, Jackson, I could go on forever.  You are simply precious!  Now, that’s not to say that you don’t have your moments.  You definitely went through a phase when we brought Colton home that had you sitting in time outs numerous times throughout the day.  We see a bit of attitude sneak in when it’s time to get dressed in the morning as you object to almost every item in your closet.  Other than that, you’re pretty even tempered.
You are such a blessing to us and we hope we can make you half as proud of us as we are of you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Palm Sunday

Dearest J & C,
                We kicked off Holy Week with some Palm Sunday festivities.  It all started when children were given palm leaves to wave as they marched down the center aisle.  Colton, you were in the nursery – but, Jackson, I was thrilled to have you participate in this tradition.  I quickly noticed some trepidation on your part, so I stood you in line with your favorites, Brody and Kate.  You made it just a few steps before turning around to run back to me.  You’re becoming more shy as you get older – but maybe next year will be your year for palms.?.?.
After a great sermon, we went to the Family Life Center (FLC) to celebrate with food (Ahh, it’s good to be Methodist!).  We posed by the cross just like last year – and it appears that I dressed everyone in blue, just like last year! 

Your favorite thing about the FLC is the stash of sports equipment.  Now, I get that you’re still young but I will be completely floored if you don’t love sports for years to come.  You found a soccer ball within seconds of walking in and stuck with that ball most of our time there….

The only time you gave up the ball was to participate in the Cake Walk (Did I mention that we’re Methodist?).
After cake walking and cake tasting it was time to go hunt eggs outside.  We put both of you in the 0-2 year old hunt, which is my favorite.  The kids pretty much just sit on the ground with their eggs while their families take pictures…and that’s just what we did.

So many things to be grateful for this week (and every week)! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!!

Dearest Jackson,
                After inquiring about it for the last few months, yesterday was finally your 3rd birthday party, Jackson!  We celebrated a few days early so that we wouldn’t interfere with people’s Easter weekend plans.  You must know that your actual birthday isn’t for a few more days because you keep showing everyone two fingers when they ask how old you are.  Like last year, we partied at a local gym.  This gym, however, was much bigger and catered to “big kids”. 

You had friends come from both your "old" daycare and your "new" daycare

Everyone sat so nicely as they listened to the leaders and showed off their "tricks".  You opted out of doing a trick and preferred just holding the soccer ball and volleyball instead.

Colton's trick was sitting nicely ; )
The 3 person swing was a hit for all involved!
I think this foam pit was your favorite!  Run towards pit, jump in pit, giggle, and repeat : )
Even Colton played in the pit!  Dad would sit him on the edge and Colton would fall in just for fun!
Your party room had a Toy Story theme to it in honor of your recent obsession.
Instead of cake, everyone celebrated with cookies shaped like number threes.
Your party guests were too kind!  You are now the proud owner of tons of Toy Story memorabilia!

We look forward to celebrating again with you this week on your actual birthday! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Texas Wildflowers

Dearest J & C,

Today I embark on a new blog. This blog’s for you, Jackson – and you, Colton. I’ve used to same blog hosting site for the past 6 years and I’ve loved documenting your precious lives. But you’re becoming even more sacred to me and I don’t like the thought of your business accessible for all the world to see. So, I’m here now and I’m typing for you. I have a very selective memory and, unfortunately, I don’t get to select what it remembers. Therefore, I want to type out the memories instead. Because there are so many things I want you to know and I legitimately fear that I won’t remember to tell you. I should start this journey by apologizing for my poor journalism. I’m not as eloquent with words as I’d like to be so bear with me.

Get on with it, mom? Ok, fine. : )

Today’s note will be simplistically complex. Today’s note is I LOVE YOU (I have a feeling that this won’t be the last of notes along this line.). You two are my favorite human beings and the love I have for you goes beyond words. I loved taking you to a bluebonnet field this past weekend. And I loved that you were oblivious to how pathetic the field truly was. You knew nothing of the lack of rain and you weren’t phased by the dry, cracked, ground surrounding the sporadically grown wild flowers. I loved it when you, Jackson, immediately went and sat next to Colton without being prompted to do so. I loved the way you tried to show Colton a bluebonnet by sticking it right under his nose and demanding, “Smell this!” And, Colton, I loved the disgruntled face you gave your brother in response.

Can we make this a tradition?