Sunday, April 24, 2011

Birthday's Events

Dearest Jackson,

It's as if you knew that your party and your actual birthday were on two different dates, because you kept referencing another celebration in the days that followed your party.  Sure enough, 5 days after your party, we had a night filled with Jackson themed events. 

We let you be the one to check the mail as soon as Daddy brought you home from school.  You were thrilled to find a present in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa M!

But the news only got better as you brought your package into the kitchen and were greeted by balloons and a table filled with even more gifts!!

You proudly showed off your new Toy Story DVD from Grandma & Grandpa R.

I love that I captured the excitement on your face as you discovered that your gift from us was Buzz Lightyear!

Then, we all ate your favorite meal - PB&J with potato chips.  And we topped off our tummies with your favorite dessert - cupcakes! 

In keeping with your favorites, we ended the night by playing extra long in the bathtub and watching Toy Story together on the couch.

As your favorite tv characters would say - What a Great Day!!

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