Saturday, August 3, 2013

3 years old

Dearest Colton,

Tomorrow is our day to celebrate!  We get to celebrate another year of life and the anniversary of the coolest day ever! 

There is nothing we’d rather do than celebrate YOU! 

Because Jackson was our only experience at parenting, I had nothing else to compare to and made the assumption that raising you would mirror that.  I almost laughed out loud just typing that because my ignorance was humorous.  Your entrance into this world was foreshadowing at its finest and I should’ve realized it then.  You came on your own time, with power, curiosity, and a peacefulness that I will never forget.  To this today, that remains who you are.  You are strong both physically and in your thoughts and beliefs.  That was obvious when you lifted your own head during your AGPAR tests and has proven true time and time again when you want something or disagree with us. 

Your desire to discover the world around you is both endearing and worrisome.  You explore my makeup and love to apply “lipstick” (chapstick) all over your face (and sometimes on the carpet’s “face” as well).  You let almost nothing get in your way when you’re interested in something.  Just recently, I found you standing on top of a clothes hamper that you had turned upside down to use to reach the treat shelf in the pantry.  And the questioning never stops from you!  “Who live in that house?”  “Why those clouds move?”  “Where did the plane go?” …..

I know you so well that I could turn in a doctoral thesis entitled “THE Colton James” so I’ll try not to type forever.  But I want you to know that I get you.  If you’re reading this as a teenager and you’re even starting to think that I might not understand, just stop right there.  Although you look every bit like your daddy, but you are my hard-headed, sensitive-skinned, playful, morning person.  These commonalities are why we anger each other to tears but they also bring us back together with sweet hugs and kisses.  No matter what becomes of our strong personalities, please know that you are so loved.

Other things I want you to know about your 3-year-old self:  You are a people person and you converse like an adult when it’s time to leave.  You’re the last one waving goodbye to guests as you yell, “Be safe!” or “Thanks for visiting!”

You are a lover and aren't afraid to show affection to any of your family members.  We get so many cuddles, hugs, and kisses from you and they’re usually unprompted.  You’re often the initiator of a group hug and you will shout its announcement as you pull us towards you. 

You still suck your pointer finger but only when you’re getting sleepy.  You like to have a pillow pet and a blanket to sleep but you aren't attached to one in particular.  You still take an afternoon nap every day for about 1.5 – 2 hours and then fall asleep around 8:00 each night.  You are the first person in the house to wake up and you’re happy every morning!

You love to read books, sing songs, complete puzzles, and build with blocks.  You also love wrestling with Daddy and Jackson and you like to egg them on by asking, “Want to fight?”

The teacher in me notices an enthusiastic learner in you.  You can already count to 20 and you rarely turn down an opportunity for problem-solving.  Unfortunately, your interest in potty-training hasn't arrived yet L  You claim that you want to wear big boy underwear yet you refuse to use the potty and we threw away so many pairs of ruined underwear that we just went back to diapers. 

Last, but not least, you are a perfect brother for Jackson.  You respect his space yet want to do everything with him.  You two are best friends and the older you get the better your relationship seems to get. 

So, Happy 3rd Birthday to you, Colt.  May it be a blessed year – and, as we sing every night – Jesus loves you and we do, too! 

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