Thursday, December 24, 2015

Decor & More

Dearest Jackson & Colton,

You two were both so excited to help decorate this year! Christmas spirit is alive, well, and enthusiastic in both of you & it was contagious!  We started strong the weekend after Thanksgiving and, after dragging about a dozen boxes downstairs from the attic, we emptied quite a lot of them.  But then we had to start getting ready to return to school/work and that's all it took to zap us of energy so 3 or 4 boxes sat untouched.  We eventually admitted defeat and returned them to the attic as full as they came down.  All that to say that our house wasn't exactly decked from wall to wall this year nor did it cast a blinding light on neighboring houses.  But what we did unpack and place made us happy for over a month.  For both memory's sake & as a cheat sheet for the future, here's a tiny tour:

Our front porch had a memento from a fun shopping trip in Canton as well as the first snowman in my "collection" (not to be confused with actual collectors, I simply like snowmen).

Senji was there to greet you as you walked in as was our garland lined staircase hung by our favorite engineer with the finest of zip ties!

To your right, our formal dining room housed a special tree.  I'm not sure how the snowman topper, Christmas card display, and holiday book basket go together...but aren't they sweet?!?

The dining room table suggested we iron the runner next year...

My favorite nativity got a table all to itself!

Down the hall, this was displayed right outside of our master bedroom.  I couldn't help but smile each time I walked passed it and saw the proof of your growth over the years.

This area of our living room held some precious treasures.  Each shelf had a different decoration and the large Santa figurines were the newest additions as they were shared with us after your Great Grandpa passed away. 

The mantle was Bass Pro Santa headquarters but I'd like this changed up in the future.  I want to frame your Santa photos altogether in one big frame instead.

The living room also had the pleasure of hosting the main family tree.  Now that the two of you have so many ornaments of your own, decorating this was/is your favorite!

The kitchen table was happy to keep the snowman theme going.

The kitchen itself also wanted to be inclusive.

 The playroom upstairs was the perfect spot for our "fun tree"

And this nativity got its own table too!

Last, but not least, you two kept tiny trees in your bedrooms all season.  

Christmas decorations just might be my love language and I think it's awesome that you speak my language!!  

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