Saturday, September 29, 2018


Dear Jax & Colt,

I can tell that getting back our regular schedule kicked my behind because I took very few pictures this month.

The month started with the Marauder run.  This is a fun event where our high school lets all the 5th graders from our feeder pattern take the field with the football players.  Bridlewood had a great turn out.  Here is just a small section of your group.

We stayed to watch the game but you and your friends spent most of the night running around socializing and you seemed way too old that night.

Soccer games went back to being an every weekend occurrence. 

But we still squeezed in time for Family Game Night!

Colt, sometime over the summer you got the idea that you wanted to try lacrosse.  We showed up to the first practice knowing literally nothing about this sport!

And one night a rainbow greeted us when I dropped you off at soccer practice.

On top of lacrosse and scouts, you also had baseball games, Colt.  The small from you earning the game ball melts my heart!!!

I think soccer photographers should get special stipends.

Your first lacrosse game was in an arena on concrete!  Since we didn't know anything, we thought this was normal - and were honestly a little concerned.  Seemed like a recipe for pain but you made it!

So we celebrated with italian ice!

Hard to tell but we were all rocking the soccer gear for the last game in September.

Here comes fall, y'all!

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