Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Break

Dearest Boys,

S avings Time (as in Daylight...springing clocks forward...trying to adjust...)
P icnics (a lunch picnic at a park on Monday and a dinner picnic at another park on Tuesday)
R elaxing
I nches (tons of them chopped off during your haircuts)
N ights (as in the two that you slept over at Grandpa and Grandma's house)
G olf (Jax, you had camp each morning)

B owling (We met up with The Baileys for a few games on Thursday)
R elaxing (We seriously did a lot of it!)
E leven (weeks left before summer break)
A quarium (Grandma treated us to this outing on Wednesday)
arate (what y'all appeared to be doing each time we played in the yard)

Before and after haircuts

Watching this manatee eat was my favorite part of the aquarium!

Colt, you went to great lengths to avoid being photographed!

It was an awesome week & going back to our normal schedules was sucktastic (to say the least).

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