Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Dearest Colton,

You have us already talking about your 4th birthday.  While it seems silly to plan it already, I know it will be here before I’m ready.  You’re ready though and you’re sure to mention your special day every few hours.  Your half birthday was just last month and, while we didn’t do anything celebratory, I had various milestones outlined in my head that coincided with being 3 ½.  For instance, I thought you’d for sure be potty-trained by now.  Turns out, you still have little-to-no interest in moving to big boy undies.  I also thought we still had some time (especially since you aren’t starting Kindergarten until 2016) to teach you letters and numbers.  So imagine our surprise when you started naming them as you see them while we’re out and about!  Just when we think we have this parenting thing figured out, you’re there to humble us.  

At three-and-a-half, you still make me melt.  I’d be willing to pay money for your awesome cuddles, kisses, and hugs.  You’re figuring out the world faster than I’m prepared for and you make me laugh out loud every single day. 
Our conversations from Steph’s house often go like this:
You:  I have good news and bad news.
Me:  Ok, tell me what’s going on.
You:  The bad news is I’m not happy.
Me:  Bummer.  What’s the good news?
**Now, I promise I’m not down playing your emotions – but it loses its impact when I hear it every day followed by…..
You:  The good news is I know how to put my window down.  (Or something equally commonplace)
Then you, in all your preciousness, always ask me about my day.  It’s charming and we talk and I’m always reassured that you aren’t actually an unhappy human being.

If I was to fill out one of those “favorite” surveys for you, I think it’d read:
Favorite indoor activity:  playing in the toy room (You play independently like a champ!) – you play with cars, puzzles, and Legos the most
Favorite outdoor activity:  YES!  ; )  You ask to go outside every day after school.  You like riding the scooter, playing ball with Jax, and just exploring.
Favorite book:  The Underpants Zoo – and you’ve memorized it and now “read” it yourself – and hearing you read it is on my Top 10 list for Cutest Thing Ever!
Favorite friend:  While you love everyone (“Drewby”, “Coley”, Dex, Ella, and Evan) at Steph’s, Ella has a special place in your heart.  I’m not sure what you’ll do without her there in the fall.?.?.

On the other hand, you have some least favorite things as well…  You DO NOT enjoy watching your brother’s sports!  You do everything BUT watch the game!  You also don’t like me laughing at you.  If you say something that I find funny and I laugh, you are quick to tell me “It is not laugh time!”  Lastly, you don’t like naps anymore.  You still nap at Steph’s every day but, as of last weekend, we no longer have you nap when you’re home with us.  We knew it was time to cut them out because a) you said yourself that you didn’t need them and b) you started waking up at 5:45 every morning, which told us your body was getting plenty of sleep.

Even at three-and-a-half, you are still my baby.  I love your sensitive, sweet, stubborn personality and I look forward to watching it evolve as you become a 4-year-old. 


1 comment:

  1. Love this little guy and his sweet smile! He has such big boy conversations. Happy half birthday!
