Thursday, January 3, 2013

White Christmas (1/3)

Dearest Jax and Colton,

We left bright and early (8:30) on December 24th to make the 16 hour drive north to Indiana.  Y'all watched movie after movie, ran around like crazy at rest stops, and slept a little bit before we arrived at 3AM on December 25th.  We slept in, ate one of Grandma's delicious breakfasts, and then celebrated Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma M.

Then we went to visit your Great Grandpa R. and see the aunts, uncles, and cousins who were there.

I thought y'all would be exhausted but you insisted that we work on the gingerbread train as soon as we got back to Grandpa and Grandma's house.

The next day was kind of pitiful as you injured your knee, Jax, wrestling with Grandpa R. the night before.  You were up all night complaining of the pain and you wouldn't put any pressure on it.  You spent the entire day on the couch watching movies with Daddy and icing your poor knee.  Meanwhile, Grandma & I got our traditional pedicures together and later took Colton out shopping with us.  I went the entire day without taking a picture until I snapped this one right before bath time of you, Colt, with Grandma.  I just love it!

It was nice to be "back home again in Indiana..."

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