Saturday, May 3, 2014

6th birthday party

Dearest Jackson,

You are now our favorite 6-year-old!  Since your birthday was the day after Easter this year, we had your party a week later.  For the first year ever, you were instrumental in planning your fiesta and you had very specific wants.  Most importantly, you were insistent that the party be "boys only" and you wrote out your guest list about 19 times before we mailed out the invitations.  For the first time since your first birthday we hosted it at our house and we kept it simple.

This game truck pulled up out front and you got to pick from a variety of games for your friends to play.

It was hard for me to photograph inside but there were 4 gaming stations with an entire wall of comfy seating.

You & your friends played in the truck from 2:00-3:30 and then obliged me for a picture.
(Logan, Braxton, you, Jack, Tucker, Grady, Brody, Travis, and Colt)
Of course a silly picture had to go down too!
Then you all came inside for cake and snacks.

After that it was time for presents.  Your friends were so kind!
Your friends gathered around and seemed just as excited as you to see what was inside!  (The Rangers game on the tv was a nice touch, don't you think?)

You took some of your new stuff into the backyard where y'all played until the party ended. 
Before guests left, they each took home a tiny thank-you:
Then we had a mini-photo shoot. 

Your sweet grandma was in the kitchen while y'all were gaming - making treats, setting up the table, and cleaning up.  I'm so glad you allowed Grandma & me to break your "boys only" rule!  ; )

It was so much fun -- just like you!
Happy 6th Birthday, sweetheart!

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