Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer 2012 Update

Dear Colt & Jax,

With *only* 8 weeks left of summer vacation, let's see how our list is coming along:

*Make smoothies
*Play a game with a grandparent
*See a movie in the theater
          (We've only been teased with previews for "Brave" since about February!)
*Fly on an airplane
          (Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Play at a splash park
          (Kind of here - but not the splash park I had in mind.)
*Build a sandcastle
          (Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Swim in at least 3 different pools
          (So far:  Lantana Country Club, The Vaughn's Neighborhood Pool, The Lake's plastic pool, The Lewisville Community Pool, and our very own)
*Visit the zoo
          (Here with plans to go again soon!)
*Go to a museum
*Play at The Ark
          (We had a playdate there on Monday, June 11th - but no photos were taken.)
*Watch a parade
*Ride a rollercoaster
*See the ocean
          (Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Throw water balloons
*Make homemade ice cream
*Hug a great-grandparent
          (Look for this one in the next post or two!)
*Check out books from the library
          (Here and we'll go again to return them and check out more!)
*Watch a baseball game
          (We've watched bits and pieces on tv but the real deal is coming soon!)
*Fly a kite
*Create a painting
*Play at Paradise Pond
*Empty our game card at Going Bonkers
          (This might be the trickiest of them all as I *might* have misplaced that card!)
*Family Game Night
*Visit the dentist
*“R.C. car race”
*Practice handwriting
*Attend Vacation Bible School
          (Sooner than soon!)
*Donate toys
*Play at at least 4 new parks
          (Done!  And my i-Phone captured only a few of the memories as they were always on the spur-of-the-moment.)

 (First time on the big kid swing!)

*Take a road trip
          (The OKC trip is said and done and we'll head to San Antonio at the summer's end.)

We're getting there!

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